insert execute sp from remote server is hanging up

  • Just installed sql 2008 and trying to access it from old sql 2000 servers. Essentials of the problem are below:

    --on SQL2008:

    create table mytable (id int, txt char(1))


    insert into mytable values(1,'a')

    insert into mytable values(2,'b')


    create procedure usp_test


    select id,txt from mytable


    --on sql2000 (it has sql2008 as a linked server):

    if object_id('tempdb..#extraction') is not null drop table #extraction

    create table #extraction (

    [id] int,

    [txt] char(2))


    insert into #extraction exec [SQL2008].dbname.dbo.usp_test

    The process is hanging (status 'running') until I restart a Distributed Transaction Coordinator on sql2000

    If I am starting exec [SQL2008].dbname.dbo.usp_test, it's working ok

    Can somebody help please?

  • Provided I read that right.. You are trying to get data from a SQL 2008 into a SQL 2000.

    If that is correct then you have two possible problems or both. The first is that the MS Distributed Transaction Controller (MSDTC) on the SQL 2008 Both may not be configured to allow external conenctions. you can see these instructions:[/url]

    The other is firewall issues, but since I haven't had to solve this one I can't really give much advice.


  • Many thanks, after settings MSDTC on SQL2008 it's working now

  • Excellent, I had run accross this very problem but it was 2000 -> 2005. Nothing failed, just nothing went. Nearly caused a rollback of a HUGE deployment in 2008 until I found that by default it was configured differently than windows 2000.


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