insert default values dynamically in sql server

  • I have one question about SQL Server: how to dynamically load default values for all tables if 9999 values does not exist in the tables?

    The database has three tables. I want load default 9999 values for unique column

    if datatype is varchar then pass NA value

    if datatype is int then pass 0 value

    if datatype is date then pass 1900-01-01 value

    Here sourceFiedls table is maintain all table related fields information.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dept]


    [deptid] [INT] NULL,

    [dname] [VARCHAR](50) NULL,

    [loc] [VARCHAR](50) NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[emp]


    [eid] [INT] NULL,

    [ename] [VARCHAR](50) NULL,

    [doj] [DATE] NULL,

    [sal] [MONEY] NULL,

    [deptid] [INT] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[loc]


    [locid] [INT] NULL,

    [locname] [VARCHAR](50) NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sourceFields]


    [tablename] [VARCHAR](50) NULL,

    [tablecolumns] [VARCHAR](50) NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tableinfo](

    [TableName] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [ColumnsList] [varchar](1000) NULL



    INSERT [dbo].[Tableinfo] ([TableName], [ColumnsList]) VALUES (N'dept', N'deptid,dname,loc')


    INSERT [dbo].[Tableinfo] ([TableName], [ColumnsList]) VALUES (N'emp', N'eid,ename,doj,sal,deptid')


    INSERT [dbo].[Tableinfo] ([TableName], [ColumnsList]) VALUES (N'loc', N'locid,locname')


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[dept] ([deptid], [dname], [loc])

    VALUES (1, N'abc', N'hy')


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[emp] ([eid], [ename], [doj], [sal], [deptid])

    VALUES (1, N'ab', CAST(N'1988-10-04' AS Date), 100.0000, 10)


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[loc] ([locid], [locname]) VALUES (1, N'hyd')


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[sourceFields] ([tablename], [tablecolumns])

    VALUES (N'dept', N'deptid'), (N'dept', N'dname'), (N'dept', N'loc'),

    (N'emp', N'eid'), (N'emp', N'ename'), (N'emp', N'doj'),

    (N'emp', N'sal'), (N'emp', N'deptid'), (N'loc', N'locid'),

    (N'loc', N'locname')


    Based on above table I want check the data if 9999 values exist or not.

    For dept table :

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dept WHERE deptid=9999 )


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[dept] ([deptid], [dname], [loc])

    VALUES (9999, 'NA', 'NA')


    For Emp table :

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM emp WHERE eid=9999 )


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[emp] ([eid], [ename], [doj], [sal], [deptid])

    VALUES (9999, 'NA', CAST('1900-01-01' AS Date), 0, 0)


    For Loc table :

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM loc WHERE locid=9999 )


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[loc] ([locid], [locname])

    VALUES (9999, 'NA')


    Here I have written 3 statements for 3 tables checking default values exist or not. Instead of these 3 statements, how to write a dynamic query like using cursor concept and table loop iterate values - if exist or not if not exist then insert.

    tableinfo table have tablesnames and fields info.

    Can you please tell me how to write dynamic query for inserting default values into a table?

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by  asrinu13.
  • You have to specify defaults when you create the table using the DEFAULT keyword. Then if you don't specify a value for that column when you insert a new record, that value is used. No dynamic SQL required - just a bit more planning. If changing the tables isn't an option, you'd have to do the same thing with a stored procedures to add values to each table - specify default values for input parameter values.

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