insert currency name and symbol

  • Vladan (12/14/2008)

    Garadin (12/12/2008)

    At the time an invoice was generated, you'd look at your most recent record for Dollar > Euro conversion, calculate the amount in Euros and store those numbers with your invoice.

    This is not absolutely necessary if you have currency conversion rates stored in a table together with their respective validity dates. Every invoice has a date, so you can find at any moment the correct conversion rate.

    However, it is a good idea to store the exact converted amount together with the invoice. For example, you could later realize, that the conversion rate was incorrect due to input error - but the invoice is already printed and sent. If the converted amount is stored with the invoice, it is easier to write a query that will show you what invoices need "repair".

    Thanks for the tips Vladan. I guess you'd probably want to store a history of conversion figures with the dates they changed anyways.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

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  • Could you please tell me how did you manage to insert currency name and symbol in the table.

    Is it possible for you to give me an insert statement on how you did that


  • Hi

    So, my attempt...

    If you want to know how to insert a "symbol" into a table the answer depends on the used client side programming language. On database side you have to use a NVARCHAR column.

    If I understood your business case, you want to save a (default) language for a user. The common way - as previously stated - would be a link over a CurrencyId column in your user table but it is also possible to use the symbol as foreign key (anyway, it remains a little bit strange).

    BTW: The "DDL" (your Drop Down List) may be a bit confusing in a SQL forum. In SQL this means Data Definition Language ;-).



  • What the hell??? Six new posts?

    Dang! I'm too slow...

  • I need to display country and its currency. Instead of display the 3 character country code, i would like to display Currency Symbol. Front end is Vb.Net and will save Currency Id for selected currency symbol.

    All I need is to have the insert statements.


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