INSERT after DELETE from Access failing.

  • I'm currently trying to replace an existing Access back end db with a SQL 2000 db. The only problem I have hit (so far!) is when the client (another Access db with linked tables to the new SQL db) needs to replace a record.

    The VBA process DELETES the record and then INSERTS the new data. This is being done by locally executing SQL statements against the linked table.

    If the code is stepped through all works fine. When run normally the DELETE works but the INSERT hangs until failing with 3155 ODBC Insert Failed.

    Any suggestions/help?

  • Does the table have primary key?

  • Hi Allen

    Yes, there in a Primary Key, but that's all - no relationships, constrants or triggers are currently setup.

    The Table is even being read and updated in other places. It is just the INSERT after the DELETE - but only when run in VBA. If the SQL is run manually they both work 🙁

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