Insert a distinct number into a table with an Identity Column

  • I have several tables broken out by years that contain a license number for each person. The person can be in each year table more than once. What I have to do is assign each license number a new unique ID. My plan was to create a new table to hold each unique license number and assign it a value based on the Identity column.

    My create table query is:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestID]


    [DWID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [OldLicenseNumber] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    I then took the first year of data and inserted each unique ID into the new TestID table. I used DISTINCT because a person could be in the table more than once per year.




    DISTINCT OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2001


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID)

    The first insert worked fine, but when I go to add more years, it never inserts any records.




    DISTINCT OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2002


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID)

    I get the output of (0 row(s) affected) but I know for sure there are some different License Numbers in the 2002 data and there are some license number that are the same in both years.

    Can you help me find what I am doing wrong? It seems like a fairly simple concept, but I am doing something incorrect.

  • i think your issue is the NOT EXISTS...

    whenever you do that, You have to test for nulls, as that will screw up the EXISTS


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID WHERE OldLicenseNumber IS NOT NULL)


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell (7/8/2009)

    i think your issue is the NOT EXISTS...

    whenever you do that, You have to test for nulls, as that will screw up the EXISTS


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID WHERE OldLicenseNumber IS NOT NULL)

    Hi Lowell,

    Thanks for your suggestion. I added the WHERE OldLicenseNumber IS NOT NULL to my query, but I'm still getting zero records inserted. I think you are saying the original table (year 2002) might have nulls as an OldLicenseNumber, but all of the records in my year 2002 table have values for the license number. I will keep what you said in mind though.

  • Greetings,

    For your INSERT:




    DISTINCT OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2002


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID)

    You might want to change this to:

    INSERT INTO TestID (OldLicensceNumber)



    FROM TableFrom2002 t2

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TestID td ON t2.OldLicenseNumber = td.OldLicenseNumber

    WHERE td.OldLicenseNumber IS NULL

    I hope this helps you.

    Have a good day.

    Terry Steadman

  • Thank you very much Terry, that worked on my sample data so I'm sure it will work on the rest. I do not know how the

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TestID td ON t2.OldLicenseNumber = td.OldLicenseNumber

    WHERE td.OldLicenseNumber IS NULL

    part works, but it does. If someone could explain that to me I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for everyone's help!

  • No Idea (7/8/2009)

    Thank you very much Terry, that worked on my sample data so I'm sure it will work on the rest. I do not know how the

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TestID td ON t2.OldLicenseNumber = td.OldLicenseNumber

    WHERE td.OldLicenseNumber IS NULL

    part works, but it does. If someone could explain that to me I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for everyone's help!


    The LEFT OUTER JOIN lets all of the records in TableFrom2002 still be listed. If there is a match in TestID, then the row will also contain that same TestID record. That also means that particular license number already exists in your TestID table and is not wanted. If there is no matching record in the TestID table, then that row will show all NULLs for all columns in the table row that would be from the TestID table. So, by checking for a NULL in the TestID.OldLicenseNumber column, you have the License Numbers that you have not inserted into your table yet.



    ID, LicenseNumber

    1, AAAAAA

    2, BBBBBB

    3, DDDDDD


    ID, LicenseNumber

    4, BBBBBB

    5, CCCCCC

    6, DDDDDD

    Table returned from LEFT OUTER JOIN on TestID to TableFrom2002 (a is TableFrom2002, b is TestID)

    a.ID, a.LicenseNumber, b.ID, b.LicenseNumber

    4, BBBBBB, 2, BBBBBB


    c, DDDDDD, 3, DDDDDD

    So, now you just check for the NULL in the OldLicenseNumber column from TestID. You have your wanted License Numbers. If we had used a regular JOIN, then the records in TableFrom2002 that you wanted to insert would not be there as the JOIN would rule them out. The OUTER JOIN lets them stay in the list.

    Have a good day.

    Terry Steadman

  • No Idea (7/8/2009)

    Thank you very much Terry, that worked on my sample data so I'm sure it will work on the rest. I do not know how the

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TestID td ON t2.OldLicenseNumber = td.OldLicenseNumber

    WHERE td.OldLicenseNumber IS NULL

    part works, but it does. If someone could explain that to me I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for everyone's help!


    The LEFT OUTER JOIN lets all of the records in TableFrom2002 still be listed. If there is a match in TestID, then the row will also contain that same TestID record. That also means that particular license number already exists in your TestID table and is not wanted. If there is no matching record in the TestID table, then that row will show all NULLs for all columns in the table row that would be from the TestID table. So, by checking for a NULL in the TestID.OldLicenseNumber column, you have the License Numbers that you have not inserted into your table yet.



    ID, LicenseNumber

    1, AAAAAA

    2, BBBBBB

    3, DDDDDD


    ID, LicenseNumber

    4, BBBBBB

    5, CCCCCC

    6, DDDDDD

    Table returned from LEFT OUTER JOIN on TestID to TableFrom2002 (a is TableFrom2002, b is TestID)

    a.ID, a.LicenseNumber, b.ID, b.LicenseNumber

    4, BBBBBB, 2, BBBBBB


    c, DDDDDD, 3, DDDDDD

    So, now you just check for the NULL in the OldLicenseNumber column from TestID. You have your wanted License Numbers. If we had used a regular JOIN, then the records in TableFrom2002 that you wanted to insert would not be there as the JOIN would rule them out. The OUTER JOIN lets them stay in the list.

    Have a good day.

    Terry Steadman

  • No Idea (7/8/2009)

    Thank you very much Terry, that worked on my sample data so I'm sure it will work on the rest. I do not know how the

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TestID td ON t2.OldLicenseNumber = td.OldLicenseNumber

    WHERE td.OldLicenseNumber IS NULL

    part works, but it does. If someone could explain that to me I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for everyone's help!


    The LEFT OUTER JOIN lets all of the records in TableFrom2002 still be listed. If there is a match in TestID, then the row will also contain that same TestID record. That also means that particular license number already exists in your TestID table and is not wanted. If there is no matching record in the TestID table, then that row will show all NULLs for all columns in the table row that would be from the TestID table. So, by checking for a NULL in the TestID.OldLicenseNumber column, you have the License Numbers that you have not inserted into your table yet.



    ID, LicenseNumber

    1, AAAAAA

    2, BBBBBB

    3, DDDDDD


    ID, LicenseNumber

    4, BBBBBB

    5, CCCCCC

    6, DDDDDD

    Table returned from LEFT OUTER JOIN on TestID to TableFrom2002 (a is TableFrom2002, b is TestID)

    a.ID, a.LicenseNumber, b.ID, b.LicenseNumber

    4, BBBBBB, 2, BBBBBB


    c, DDDDDD, 3, DDDDDD

    So, now you just check for the NULL in the OldLicenseNumber column from TestID. You have your wanted License Numbers. If we had used a regular JOIN, then the records in TableFrom2002 that you wanted to insert would not be there as the JOIN would rule them out. The OUTER JOIN lets them stay in the list.

    Have a good day.

    Terry Steadman




    DISTINCT OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2002


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID)

    Your problem is with the "not exists", you're using it incorrectly.

    EXISTS vs IN




    DISTINCT OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2002


    (SELECT 1 FROM TestID t where t.OldLicenseNumber = OldLicenseNumber )




    DISTINCT OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2002

    WHERE NOT in (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID t where OldLicenseNumber is not null)


    #1. EXISTS will return true the instant ANYTHING is returned

    eg. select 'true' where exists (select 1)

    EXISTS does NOT care what is returned or how many rows, as soon as anything returns, it becomes true

    #2. You need to make sure you state "where OldLicenseNumber is not null" only if that field can be null. The reason is if you have even 1 null value rerturned it will automatically make the in statement false, which will then get NOT applied and return true every time. But this isn't an issue if that column can't be null.

    P.S. the EXISTS statement used above is a correlated query which means that statement is re-ran for every row. BUT, because the EXISTS statement returns true the instant anything is returned, it doesn't have to wait around for any returned rows past the first returned.

    I'd recommend using the left join query someone else posted if you're doing a mass insert vs individual inserts

  • Lowell (7/8/2009)

    i think your issue is the NOT EXISTS...

    whenever you do that, You have to test for nulls, as that will screw up the EXISTS


    (SELECT OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID WHERE OldLicenseNumber IS NOT NULL)

    select 'true' where exists (select null)

    this returns true. exists doesn't care in the slightest what's returned, just as long as at least 1 row is returned

  • You could do it using NOT EXISTS but you would need to reference the outer table in the subquery.




    DISTINCT x1.OldLicenseNumber

    FROM TableFrom2002 x1


    (SELECT x2.OldLicenseNumber FROM TestID x2 WHERE x1.OldLicenseNumber = x2.OldLicenseNumber )

    James Leeper
    Database Administrator
    WDS Global - Americas Region

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