INsert 0 instead of NULL


    I am trying to insert 0 into target table. The source table contains NULL value and the script stops its execution when it hits NULL . I am trying to do the following

    strSql11=" insert into TempItem (intId,intWebId, intDataType, intNavid ) values (" & intId & ",  " & intWebId & ", " & intDataType & ", IsEmpty(" & intNavId & ",0) ) "


    Also I tryed to do

    CASE WHEN " & intNAVid & " is NULL THEN 0 ELSE " & intNavID & "

    But neither one of the working

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • I assume that data already exists in the table so you must use and update statement not an insert statement.  For example:

    update t

    set intNavId = 0

    from TempItem t

    where intNavId is null

    For new entries you might want to put a default on the table of 0

    Good Luck

  • I can not update the data. I have to copy the data as is. The only thing I can do is to change NULL value to 0

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • the solution is following

    if isNULL (intNavId) or isNULL(intSubID) or isNULL (intTAbid) or isNULL(intOrder) Then






    intNavid= rs.Fields("intNavId").value




    end if

    Dim strSql11

    strSql11=" insert into TempItem (intId,intWebId, intDataType, intNavid , intSubID, intTAbid, intOrder) values (" & intId & ", " & intWebId & ", " & intDataType & ", " & intNavId & ", " & intSubID & ", " & intTAbid & ", " & intOrder & ") "

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • strSql11=" insert into TempItem (intId,intWebId, intDataType, intNavid ) values (coalesce(" & intId & ",0), coalesce(" & intWebId & ",0), coalesce(" & intDataType & ",0), coalesce(" & intNavId & ",0) ) "

  • MY solution is working Thanks everybody for your responses

    Kindest Regards,

    Web programmer

  • you ought to read about coalesce.  it's very useful for handling nulls as it can take mupltiple args.  That is:

    select coalesce(col1, col2, col3, col4, ...) from mytable

    will return the value of the first column listed that is not null.



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