Input windows

  • I have been trying to find a way to quickly test generic SPROCs that I have written. It would be nice to have a window pop up that I can enter the parm for. I have set up the views so that they use a UDF to return the parm for that particular column. It would be nice if in the UDF there were something available that was akin to the InputBox() function in VB and Access. Then, I could return that value and have some dynamic testing going on. Is there a mechanism like this available. If so, I just need to know what it is and I can research it. BTW, I know I can pop them in QA but, eventually these functions will be used to retrieve variables used to store passed in parms within the view (as opposed to the SPROC, which you can parm up in the QA to test).

  • Greetings.

    One of the guys here has created an app which generates all the common procs for you.

    You give it a DB and tell it you want the inserts or deletes or selects etc.

    It creates the script which you can then customise if required.

    When he gets in I'll grab it and post it.



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

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