Input parameter issue in SSIS

  • Hello,

    I'm checking wheather the query return data from database. every loop, i pass in a query through a variable to check, if no result, it will update the variable 0 and 1 if data return.

    I'm executing this using Execute SQL Task using the below syntax. this Execute SQL Task was put inside a For loop object. This Execute SQL Task is using OLE connection.

    DECLARE @Query VARCHAR(8000);

    DECLARE @DetectionQuery VARCHAR(8000);

    DECLARE @err int = 0;

    set @Query = ?

    SET @DetectionQuery = 'IF Not Exists ( ' + @Query + ' ) Select 0 [NewResultName] ELSE Select 1 [NewResultName] '

    Begin try


    end try

    begin catch

    SELECT @err = @@error

    IF @err <> 0

    SELECT 2 [NewResultName]

    end catch

    I'm getting the below error. I'm using the same process in another server (ms sql enterprise edition) and it is running fine. But it is not running in new server (ms sql standard edition).:( Is there any issue in SSIS or missing any Software.

    I appreciate your suggestion on my issue.

    failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

  • What is the resultset set as?

  • It could be that you may be getting an empty result set vs a NULL result set, which is causing the error.

    See this blog for more details

  • my resultset was set to single row.

    my query was set,

    it return 0 when no result, and return 1 if there is result.

    i even try to run in on the server manually and it return me 0.

    any idea why??

  • i remove all the codes and change the code to only


    if came back with the same syntax error, i guess something to do with the parameter passing.

    It works properly in the other Two server(ms sql enterprise) but not this server (standard edition)..

    would it becuase ms sql version?? or there is other cause??

  • I guess i found the problem..

    it because of the RTM version i am using that has a bug in Bypassprepare. see page below.

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