We have SQL Server 2005 reporting services. Reporting services is configured with all default settings
The report server url (http://servername/reportserver)is called from the applications's web.config file and fethces the data and displays to user with in the application.
One of our reports is taking more than an hour giving no results (it just hangs there). If we run the same report from report manager, it finishes in couple of minutes.
When the user runs the report from the applicaion, the below error is logging in reportserver log files continuously.
w3wp!session!e!11/30/2011-12:02:34:: i INFO: LoadSnapshot: Item with session: zbifro55f3pbokb0sj5ichjh, reportPath: , userName: abc\rptsrv not found in the database
w3wp!session!13!11/30/2011-12:02:34:: i INFO: LoadSnapshot: Item with session: lg3jtimubcfdwxumah0ejp45, reportPath: , userName: abc\rptsrv not found in the database
Could you please provide your inputs. Thanks