Indexed Views question for MSSQL2005

  • OK. In SQL Server 2000 you could only index views in Enterprise and Developer editions. Is this still true for SQL Server 2005? I only have the Developer edition of 2005 or I would test it myself. I cant seem to find this info in the BOL anywhere.

    Thanks so much for your time!

  • "Indexed view creation is supported in all editions."


  • Sorry, I should've been more clear. The whole quote is:

    "Indexed view creation is supported in all editions. Indexed view matching by the query processor is supported only in Enterprise Edition."

    So you can create it in whichever edition you want, but the query processor will only utilize it in Enterprise.

  • Darn, still need Enterprise then. One of the best reasons to use Enterprise imo...

    Thank you!

  • If you want to use indexed views in non enterprise editions, you can use the hint NOEXPAND. The NOEXPAND view hint forces the query optimizer to treat the view like an ordinary table with a clustered index. It prevents view expansion.


    My Blog

  • No, we are talking about creating an index on a view not using a view's indexes.

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