indexed views and transactioinal replication

  • I want to implement indexed views in a bi-directional transactional replication enviornment. All sql servers are on win 2k advanced server with sql 2k enterprise edition. The replication setup has been working fine for several years.

    When I add indexed views to the test enviornment the publisher/distributor (always on the same computer) stops sending commands. When I look at the outstanding transactions, they actually are growing! The sp_browsereplcmds shows the commands themselves are duplicates of the same update I ran myself, repeated thousands of times. As soon as I drop the view on the subscriber the commands are replicated fine. I have experienced this on 2 different distributors.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Cool. How did you implement bi-directional? Sounds like it is is causing an endless loop maybe.


  • The tables are partitioned by office. Each office "owns" its own data and is unable to modify records belonging to other offices. There are filters for the articles which only allow proper records to be available for subscribers.

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