Indexed View Causing INSERT problem in DTS package

  • Hello,

    I have a DTS package where the data source is a db2 database table. The select statement against that db2 table is as follows;






















































































     FM_RK_TRN_DTE = (current date) - 1 day

    The fields from the db2 table map field for field with the sql server destination table. The DTS package is fairly simple; it pulls the data from the db2 source, maps the fields to the sql server table, and inserts the data into the sql server table. There is an ODBC connection to the db2 database, one tranformation, then a connection to the sql server database.

    The only information that I have is that the DTS package failed, and that the following error message was generated (from where I don't know):

    INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'
    I was able to easily find a KB article on this problem, and I understand the nature of the problem. This is supposed to happen when ARITHABORT is off, and an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE is attempted on a table that is referenced by an indexed View. So my question is, how can I configure the connection to the sql server in the DTS package so that ARITHABORT is set to ON in order for the INSERT to complete without error?
    Thank you for your help!
  • I am not sure if you mention this in the connextion to sql server in DTS package.

    But you could do either 1 of this.

    1.set the arithabort on at database level



    2. or add a executesql task before the datatransfer using the sql server connection which contains SET ARITHABORT ON statement




  • Hmmm.  Looks like the good old FM87 format file.

    Try using an ExecuteSQL task prior to running the data pump task.  In that ExecuteSQL task, put the appropriate SET statement, and make sure it is run on the connection to the SQL database.

    Let me know if that works. 





  • I was aware that I could set ARITHABORT ON at the database level, but if I understand correctly ,If ARITHBORT is off, a value of NULL will be inserted where NULL values are allowed and an arithmetic error occurs. I didn't want to take the chance that I might 'break' something by turning ARITHABORT on at the database level.

    Dumb question: If I set ARITHABORT on for the connection, should I turn it back off after the data pump? I'm guessing that I would not have to do that because once the connection is closed. If the database setting for this is Off, there would not be a problem.

    Thanks again for your help.


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