Indexed View

  • I am unable to Create Index on a View Since one of the Tables was Created using ANSI_NULL off.

    Is there any way i can change table ANSI_NULL settings to ON without recreating the table and importing data back.

  • Are you sure that it is one of the tables causing the problem? I've ran into this many times, but never with a table.

  • I am pretty much sure since the error message clearly indicates the table name. The whole database was migrated from 6.5 and the tables i am joining is having huge data and is growing every day.

  • I presume the only way is to Drop and Recreate the table with ANSI_NULLS on and import the data back. There goes my Weekend.

    Thanks anyway..

  • While I reproduced your issue below to make sure I understood, the only way I know of to fix it would be to reload as you said.

    This shouldn't take a weekend I wouldn't think. All you have to do is create an identical structure and copy the data into it- just make sure that any null comparisons within the table/constraint/field definitions use ansi_null on compatable syntax.

    If you use sp_rename be careful. Not sure in sql2k but in 7.0 I discovered that if I didn't actually drop the original table when I was done then all compiled sps referencing it would continue to (by object id which doesn't change).

    drop view vJunk
    drop table junk1
    drop table junk2
    set ANSI_NULLS on
    set ANSI_PADDING on
    set ANSI_WARNINGS on
    set ARITHABORT on
    create table junk1(myfield int not null)
    set ansi_nulls off
    create table junk2(myfield int not null)
    create view dbo.vJunk with schemabinding as
    a.myfield as MyField1
    ,b.myfield as MyField2
    dbo.junk1 as a
    inner join dbo.junk2 as b on a.myfield = b.myfield
    create clustered index cixvJunk_MyField1 on dbo.vJunk(MyField1)
    select * from dbo.vJunk
  • Thanks for the reply. I exactly planned to do the same. but i need to put the database offline to do this excercise and data we talking about 5 years of data. Not to mention the Views,Triggers & other Dependent Object on the table to be recreated.

    Thanks for you time.

    Edited by - edwin_fredrick on 12/10/2003 04:37:40 AM

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