• Hi,

    I have a performance issue with a simple query and I don't understand why in query plan SQL engine use a index scan instead of index seek.

    Query :

    DECLARE @pat_ancien_id int,

    @pat_ipp varchar(20)

    SET @pat_ancien_id = 4035253

    SET @pat_ipp = '8807641'

    DECLARE @PatientId as int

    SET @PatientId = @pat_ancien_id


    0 AS NombreDossiers,

    COUNT(FI.fiche_id) AS NombreFiches,

    DOS.dos_libelle AS LibelleMetier,

    DOS.dossier_specialite_id AS IdentifiantMetier,



    INNER JOIN [DOMINHO].[dominho].DOSSIER_SPECIALITE AS DOS WITH(NOLOCK) ON DOS.dossier_specialite_id = FI.dossier_specialite_id

    INNER JOIN NOYAU.patient.PATIENT AS PAT WITH(NOLOCK) ON PAT.pat_id = FI.patient_id




    @pat_ipp IS NOT NULL

    AND PAT.pat_ipp IS NOT NULL

    AND PAT.pat_ipp = @pat_ipp




    @PatientId IS NOT NULL

    AND PAT.pat_ancien_id IS NOT NULL

    AND PAT.pat_ancien_id = @PatientId



    AND FI.fiche_id > 30000000 --on exclus les fiches gulper

    AND FI.fic_suppr = 0 --on exclu les fiches supprimées

    GROUP BY DOS.dos_libelle, DOS.dossier_specialite_id, PAT.pat_ancien_id

    Thanks for your help,


  • By the way how much time this query is taking, If you think index seek should be there instead of the index scan and your query is running properly then you do not need to change anything. SQL SERVER choose the best plan for the query.

    If its the other way around try to consider the following:

    1) Pleas check the fragmentation level of related the indexes. Also check the Statistics are up to date for the related tables.

    2) Try to use FORCESEEK Table Hint and check the performance of the query (which i think it wouldn't).

  • I ran on NOYAU.patient a full Update Statistics but change nothing.

    Query takes 1700ms all the time

  • ERIC CRUDELI (6/27/2014)

    I ran on NOYAU.patient a full Update Statistics but change nothing.

    Query takes 1700ms all the time

    Your WHERE Clause is causing the scan, if you replace it with below you probably get the Seek.




    --@pat_ipp IS NOT NULL

    --AND PAT.pat_ipp IS NOT NULL


    PAT.pat_ipp = @pat_ipp




    --@PatientId IS NOT NULL

    --AND PAT.pat_ancien_id IS NOT NULL


    PAT.pat_ancien_id = @PatientId



    By the way 1700ms = 1.7 sec Is it that much ?

  • Hi,

    I changed WHERE Clause like you said and I have always index scan ?



  • Without the plan itself, not just a picture, it's really hard to say. Can you post the execution plan? An actual plan would be preferable to an estimated one.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • As asked by Grant Could you please post the actual execution plan. That will help.

    Meanwhile you can try removing the OR from Query and use Union All and see if that helps.

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