index corrupt with bit field

  • Hi,

    I have inherited a database in which a table is having a nonclustered index on a bit field (active) and integer field (TradeCode). 

    All queries have distinct in it to avoid duplication, which is causing performance issues. When ever I use this table in a join its returns duplicate.  To me it looks that the is index is not getting updated properly , if I  use INDEX(0) to ignore index I get  no duplicates. I started doing reindexing every night, it helps but as day goes by I start getting duplicates.

    Has anyone experienced similar behaviours with bit field in an index? I am planning to remove the bit field from index (since its useless to add bit field in an index) but kind of holding since this application was developed by a consultant (yes, u guessed it right, he has disappeared from the face of the earth.)

    What you guys say….



  • There are quite a few fixes for indicies on columns with a datatype of bit.

    Do you have Service Pack 4 installed ?

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Thanks Carl, It was index with bit field  plus Parallel Query  causing  the issue. As mentioned in the KB article

    For the time being I have changed the index key and things are fine.




  • "since its useless to add bit field in an index".

    Do you have any support for that bold statement?


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