Incremental update of a dimension

  • I have an account table that looks like this (the ddl isn't exactly right but you get the idea

       Acct_id  identity not null PK,

       Acct_no varchar(10) not null,

       Acct_name varchar(50) not null,

       Effective_from datetime not null,

       Effective_to datetime not null

    This table links to the sales table with a view that consists Acct_no column where effective_to is set to high values (2999-12-31).  When the Acct_name column changes, a new row is added and the effective_to date of the old row is set to the system date.

    My question is, since the value of the Acct_no column doesn't change, is the new account name picked up in an incremental update of the dimension?

  • It will be picked up. However, if in your AS dimension you have:

    Member Key Column = Acct_id

    Member Name Column = Acct_name

    then you will get an error when you try the incremental update.



    Jamie Thomson

  •   Thanks, thats the answer I was hoping for.

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