Incorrect syntax near the keyword ''IF''

  • After I added a second IF statement into the area of the JOIN operations, it started to complain.  When I had only the first IF statement to determine whether to include the INNER JOIN for @TermID, all was fine. So I am not sure  why after adding that second IF (IF @TaughtCourseID IS NOT NULL

    ) check for the second JOIN operation it's complaining now:

          SELECT      @sql =

                         'SELECT DISTINCT a.[FirstName] + '' '' + a.[LastName] AS FullName,

                            s.[Phone] AS Phone,

                            s.[HomePhone] AS HomePhone,

                            a.[PersonalEmail] AS Email,


                            s.[Email] AS AlternateEmail,

                            s.[Addr1] +  '' '' + s.[Addr2] + '' '' + s.[City] + '','' + s.[State] + '' '' + s.[Zip] + '' '' + dbo.aaGetCountryDescription(s.[ppCountryId]) AS PrimaryAddress,

                            a.[GAddress1] + '' '' + a.[GAddress2] + '' '' + a.[GCity] + '' '' + a.[GState] + '' '' + a.[GZip] + '' '' + dbo.aaGetCountryDescription([GadCountryId]) AS ShippingAddress

          FROM      [aaStaff] a

                            INNER JOIN cmydb.dbo.[ppStaff] s ON s.[ppStaffId] = a.[ppStaffId]

                            INNER JOIN Mydb2.dbo.TtUsers u ON u.ppStaffId = s.ppStaffID

                            LEFT JOIN mydb2.dbo.ttUserRoles ur ON ur.ttUserId = u.ttUserId AND ur.ttRoleId = @xttRoleId'


                            -- Check Whether to include Term Join

                            IF @TermID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN cmydb.dbo.AdClassSchedTerm st ON st.AdTermID = @xTermID ' + CHAR(13) +

                            -- Check Whether to include Course Taught Join

                            IF @TaughtCourseID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN cmydb.dbo.adClassSched sc ON sc.AdCourseID = @xTaughtCourseID AND convert(varchar,EndDate,101) < GetDate()' + CHAR(13) +                                                                              

          'WHERE      1 = 1

                      AND s.[Active] = 1

                      AND u.[Active] = 1

                      AND      u.[ppCampusID] = @xppCampusID'  + CHAR(13)

                      IF @FirstName IS NOT NULL  

                      SELECT @sql = @sql  + ' AND (a.[FirstName] LIKE @xFirstName OR @xFirstName = ''%%'' OR @xFirstName IS NULL)' + CHAR(13)

                      IF @LastName IS NOT NULL

                      SELECT @sql = @sql  + ' AND (a.[LastName] LIKE @xLastName OR @xLastName = ''%%'' OR @xLastName IS NULL)'

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'.

  • Try this

    if @TermID IS NOT NULL




    IF @TaughtCourseID IS NOT NULL




  • you know what it was?  I had to take out the first + after the Char(13) but keep it after the last IF Inner join


  • Ya, those big concatenated queries are often full of surprises like this one .

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