Incorrect syntax near '','' in sql string

  • Ok, I'm trying to get used to this putting the sql into a string and using sp_executesql rather than the other way around as in hard coding it not in a string like most people do out there.  Anyway, I can't figure out now again why it's complaining.  I know it's something simple but I can't get my hands around it in this case as again,  I have IF statements in here in the JOINs so not sure what I need to do here to fix it.  It's complaining about some comma, but that's one of the downsides (unless I just don't know about an easy way to get errors like you do when you straight up code sql), is that you cannot troubleshoot sql that's in a string very well, because the errors you get are usually pretty general and it tells you a line number but usually, it's not very specific in details as to the "what"

    So, with that, here's my existing query

          DECLARE @sql            NVARCHAR(4000),

                      @paramlist  NVARCHAR(4000),

                      @ooCampusID AS INT,

                      @ooStaffID AS INT,

                      @adProgramID AS INT,

                      @TermID AS INT,

                      @LastName AS varchar(50), 

                      @FirstName AS varchar(50),

                      @TaughtCourseID INT,

                      @CanTeachCourseID INT,

                      @StatusID INT,

                      @jjRoleID INT,

                      @debug      BIT


          --SET @FirstName = 'David'

          SET @debug = 1

          SET   @TermID = 1

          SET   @ooCampusID = 5

          SET @jjRoleID = 1

          SET @TaughtCourseID = 252

          SET @CanTeachCourseID = 15

          SET @StatusID = 1

          SET @adProgramID = 4


          -- Setup parameter list to be passed to sp_executesql

          SELECT @paramlist = '@xooCampusID AS INT,

                                         @xTaughtCourseID AS INT,

                                         @xCanTeachCourseID AS INT,


                                         @xjjRoleID AS    INT,

                                         @xooStaffID AS INT,

                                         @xTermID AS INT,

                                         @xLastName AS varchar(50), 

                                         @xFirstName AS varchar(50),

                                         @xCourseID INT,

                                         @xStatusID INT'


          -- Get Parent Row information for Parent Results Grid

          SELECT      @sql =

                         'SELECT DISTINCT a.[FirstName] + '' '' + a.[LastName] AS FullName,

                            s.[Phone] AS Phone,

                            s.[HomePhone] AS HomePhone,

                            a.[PersonalEmail] AS Email,


                            s.[Email] AS AlternateEmail,

                            s.[Addr1] +  '' '' + s.[Addr2] + '' '' + s.[City] + '','' + s.[State] + '' '' + s.[Zip] + '' '' + dbo.aaGetCountryDescription(s.[ooCountryId]) AS PrimaryAddress,

                            a.[GAddress1] + '' '' + a.[GAddress2] + '' '' + a.[GCity] + '' '' + a.[GState] + '' '' + a.[GZip] + '' '' + dbo.aaGetCountryDescription([GadCountryId]) AS ShippingAddress

          FROM  [aaStaff] a

                            INNER JOIN cmydb3.dbo.[ooStaff] s ON s.[ooStaffId] = a.[ooStaffId]

                            INNER JOIN Mydb2.dbo.JjUsers u ON u.ooStaffId = s.ooStaffID

                            LEFT JOIN mydb2.dbo.jjUserRoles ur ON ur.jjUserId = u.jjUserId AND ur.jjRoleId = @xjjRoleId'

                            -- Check Whether to include Term Join

                            IF @TermID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN cmydb3.dbo.AdClassSchedTerm st ON st.AdTermID = @xTermID' + CHAR(13)

                            -- Check Whether to include Course Taught Join

                            IF @TaughtCourseID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN cmydb3.dbo.adClassSched sc ON sc.AdCourseID = @xTaughtCourseID AND convert(varchar,EndDate,101) < convert(varchar,GetDate(),101)' + CHAR(13)

                            -- Check Whether to include Course Taught Join

                            IF @StatusID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN Mydb2.dbo.aaStatuses sta ON sta.aaStatusID = @xStatusID' + CHAR(13)

                            -- Check Whether to include Program Join

                            IF @adProgramID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN Mydb2.dbo.aaStaffPrograms sp ON sp.ooStaffID = @xooStaffID AND sp.adProgramID = @xadProgramID' + CHAR(13)

                            -- Check Whether to include Can Teach Course Join

                            IF @CanTeachCourseID IS NOT NULL

                            SELECT @sql = @sql + ' INNER JOIN Mydb2.dbo.aaEligibleCourses ec ON ec.ooStaffID = @xooStaffID AND ec.adCourseID = @xCanTeachCourseID' + CHAR(13)                                                

                + ' WHERE   1 = 1

                      AND s.[Active] = 1

                      AND u.[Active] = 1

                      AND   u.[ooCampusID] = @xooCampusID'  + CHAR(13)

                      IF @FirstName IS NOT NULL 

                      SELECT @sql = @sql  + ' AND (a.[FirstName] LIKE @xFirstName OR @xFirstName = ''%%'' OR @xFirstName IS NULL)' + CHAR(13)

                      IF @LastName IS NOT NULL

                      SELECT @sql = @sql  + ' AND (a.[LastName] LIKE @xLastName OR @xLastName = ''%%'' OR @xLastName IS NULL)'


    IF @debug = 1

    print @sql


    execute sp_executesql @sql , @paramlist, @xooCampusID = @ooCampusID, @xjjRoleID = @jjRoleID, @xooStaffID = @ooStaffID , @xTermID = @TermID ,

        @xLastName = @LastName , @xFirstName = @FirstName , @xStatusID = @StatusID, @xTaughtCourseID = @TaughtCourseID,

          @xadProgramID = @adProgramID, @xCanTeachCourseID = @CanTeachCourseID



    Now here are the errors I get.  I have not a clue why it's complaining about a comma.  Does Line 4 mean from the start of my stored proc, or within the sql string?  I have checked both, and I don't see the problem as it's not really bringing me to the line of the real error.

    Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Line 4: Incorrect syntax near ','.


  • To make this easier, comment out the EXECUTE portion of this script at the bottom and then run it. If you don't get the error, then paste the results of your PRINT @sql here.

  • I count the lines




    4 Found it!


    @xadProgramID,  --<---- This line needs a data type.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • declare the variable '@xvcRoleId'.

  • err...thanks, didn't see that one for the ProgramID.  That ended up being it.  Thank you!

  • Peter found at least one of the problems.

    By the way, you're actually halfway there to debugging dynamic SQL, which is one of your complaints about it. That print statement you have is wonderful for that. Just print the string without executing it. You can even take the printed string, dump it into a QA window, and execute it manually to see what's wrong.

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