inconsistent result sets

  • Hi all,


    I've never come across this problem before.  I have a 5.5 million row table in a SQL Server 2000 database.  I am trying to run a query for rows where a column is null:

    select Id,Column1, column2, column3

    from <table> where <column1> is null

    and substring(column2,4,2) = 'HS'

    I had a feeling the data was incorrect so I ran a different query:

    select column1,count(*)

    from o_transfer

    where column1  is null

    and substring(column2,4,2) = 'HS'

    group by trn_ext_bat_id

    and got the following results:


    -------------- -----------

    4194           370349

    I ran it again but got:


    -------------- -----------

    4248           370349

    and again:


    -------------- -----------

    4186           370349

    I suspectd it may be an index problem so I dropped and recreated all of the indexes on the table but the results were the same.

    Can anyone shed any light on this?




  • Stewart

    That query should produce an error since you're grouping by something that isn't in the select list.  Are you doing this in Query Analyzer?  Can you post the DDL for your table?


  • sorry, I cut and pasted from QA but tried to remove the table specific data.  The query itself is

    select trn_ext_bat_id,count(*)

    from o_transfer

    where trn_ext_bat_id  is null

    and substring(trn_task_code,4,2) = 'HS'

    group by trn_ext_bat_id


  • Stewart

    That's what I suspected.  Please will you post the DDL... you can change the column names if you wish.  Some sample data would be helpful, too.


  • Forgive me if this is a stupid suggestion but are you certain that there are zero applications inserting, updating and deleting on that table? Is there replication configured on that database? Perhaps each minute the transactions from another database are synced up with this one.

  • The are no stupid suggestions.  However, in this case I am sure that the data is static between queries.  I am struggling to understand how a row with data in the "trn_ext_bat_id" column can appear in a query for all rows where that column is null.



  • Is there only one trn_ext_bat_id value in the table?

    Why does you resultset display only one row?

    Is it like this:

    select @trn_ext_bat_id = trn_ext_bat_id,

    @count = count(*)

    from o_transfer

    where trn_ext_bat_id is null

    and substring(trn_task_code,4,2) = 'HS'

    group by trn_ext_bat_id

    select @trn_ext_bat_id , @count

    Then you don't have any criteria for selecting trn_ext_bat_id, so it returns any one.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • No, as far as I can tell there are 147k rows which have a trn_ext_bat_id value.  I have set rowcount 0.

    The result set itself is reasonable (i.e. I am asking it to count the number of rows where trn_ext_bat_id is null which is 370349 rows.  I would however expect the trn_ext_bat_id to be NULL).

    I am almost positive this is an index problem - it reminds of the times that good old DBASE IV needed a reindex.

    I am showing you exactly the query as it is:

    select trn_ext_bat_id,count(*) as NullRecs

    from o_transfer

    where trn_ext_bat_id  is null

    and substring(trn_task_code,4,2) = 'HS'

    group by trn_ext_bat_id

    I would expect to see the following result set:

    trn_ext_bat_id NullRecs           

    -------------- ----------- 

    NULL              370349

    But it don't.  And worse, if the query were changed to:

    select trn_ext_bat_id, trn_task_code

    from o_transfer

    where trn_ext_bat_id  is null

    and substring(trn_task_code,4,2) = 'HS'

    then I get a result set like this

    trn_ext_bat_id trn_task_code          

    -------------- ----------- 

    NULL              HSHSHSHS

    NULL              HSHSHSHS

    4012              HSHSHSHS



    NULL              HSHSHSHS

    NULL              HSHSHSHS

    5463              HSHSHSHS

    Which is definitely wrong.

    Very odd.



  • What if you query this:

    select trn_ext_bat_id, trn_task_code, CONVERT(varbinary(8000), trn_task_code)

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Well, I tried that but this is part of the result set:

    trn_ext_bat_id trn_task_code

    -------- ------------- ------------------------

    NULL           OAEHSGCO      0x4F4145485347434F

    NULL           OAEHSGCO      0x4F4145485347434F

    NULL           OAEHSGCO      0x4F4145485347434F

    3939           OAEHSGCO      0x4F4145485347434F

    3939           OAEHSGCO      0x4F4145485347434F

    As you can see it make no difference at all.


  • If you really expose everything and nothing left beyond the scope I would suggest to leave everything and try to save your database.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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