Include chart in group

  • I have a report with the following design. I'm using a List with a tablix and one group - Domain:

    Domain 1 Title

    Indicator 1 results

    Indicator 2 results

    Subreport with aggregate Domain 1 indicator results (1 and 2)

    Domain 2 Title

    Indicator 3 results

    Indicator 4 results

    Subreport with aggregate Domain 2 indicator results (3 and 4)

    I'd like to insert a chart after each Domain subreport that includes all indicators for the domain. I've tried numerous approaches without success and would appreciate any thoughts on how best to achieve this.

  • Hi

    You need to insert the chart in the group footer for the domain group.

    The chart should be in the footer after the sub report.


  • I tried adding the chart to the group footer, but the chart only shows up after all the domains have displayed instead of appearing after each domain. What seems to be working is having a parent Domain group over the original Domain group (different names) that includes the original Domain group rows (indicators and indicator subreport) and also a row for the chart subreport.

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