In Security Module why tables Relation create problem ??

  •  i am not much known about making the Database it's my first experiance .Please tell me how to solve this problem ?

    If you suggust me a some example its better for me.

    Employee: (employeeId , branchId ,employeeName,departmentId,        userId            ,address1,address2,city,state,zip,country,mobile,phone,hireDate,active)

    User: (userId,branchId,username,userPassword,description,alertLoginStatus,groupId)

    UsersGroups: (userId,branched,groupId)


    Groups: (groupId,groupDescription,groupName)

    AdmObject: (admObject,objectName)

    CroObject: (croObject,objectName)

    DealerObject: (dealerObject,dealerId,ObjectName,commissionCode)



    This is our security module First of all User table have userId,BranchId as a primary key .user table primary key relate to the employee table ,Users Group as a foreign keys. In the Groups table groupId is a primary key and relate to the UsersGroups,GroupsRights table as a foreign key. AdmObject, CroObject, DealerObject tables have primary keys and relate to the Groups Rights as a Foreign Key.

    When we start /run as a visual studio .Net this application they create a problem and send the error that FK_ User and Groups  ,FK_Employee , Users that’s relation are not correct So what we do to solve this problem .??

  • I've never used Visual Studio.NET, but if you post the exact error message you get, somebody may be able to help.  In the meantime, could it be that the existing data in the tables violates the foreign key constraints you are trying to create?


  • Here is some short hand for what you have provided, PK = Primary Key Constraint and FK = Foriegn Key constraint:

    -- PK groupId


     -- PK userId,BranchId

     -- FK to Groups groupId possible

     User ON Groups.groupId = User.groupId

     -- PK userId,branchId,groupId is not possible due to missing branchId

     -- FK to Groups groupId possible

     UsersGroups ON Groups.groupId = Groups.groupId

    -- PK userId,BranchId


     -- PK employeeId,branchId

     -- FK to User userId,BranchId possible

     Employee ON User.userId = Employee.userId

      AND User.branchId = Employee.branchId


     -- UsersGroups.userId may be duplicated for each User.branchId

     -- PK userId,branchId,groupId is not possible due to missing branchId

     -- FK to User userId,BranchId not possible missing branchId

     UsersGroups ON User.userId = UsersGroups.userId

       -- Probably is not desired due to duplication

       AND User.groupId = Groups.groupId

      -- PK groupId

      -- FK to UsersGroups is not possible missing PK

      Groups ON UsersGroups.groupId = Groups.groupId

    -- PK groupId


     -- PK groupId,admObject,croObject,dealerObject possible if all are NOT NULL

     -- FK to Groups possible

     GroupRights ON Groups.groupId = GroupRights.groupId

    -- PK admObject



     -- PK groupId,admObject,croObject,dealerObject possible if all are NOT NULL

     -- FK to Groups possible

     GroupRights ON AdmObject.admObject = GroupRights.admObject

    -- PK croObject


     -- PK groupId,admObject,croObject,dealerObject possible if all are NOT NULL

     -- FK to CroObject possible

     GroupRights ON CroObject.croObject = GroupRights.croObject

    -- PK dealerObject


     -- PK groupId,admObject,croObject,dealerObject possible if all are NOT NULL

     -- FK to DealerObject possible

     GroupRights ON DealerObject.dealerObject = GroupRights.dealerObject

    The problems I see are:

    User -> UsersGroups cannot have a FK defined due to missing branchId portion of User PK

    User -> Groups using UsersGroups.groupId or User.groupId is possible, is this desired?

    All tables must have a PK, otherwise you risk not being able to UPDATE or DELETE a row

    All tables should have a FK defined when related, otherwise you will spend loads of time cleaning up orphans

    The goal of a good design is to accommodate the requirements, and keep the users from doing the wrong thing.



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