In Results Not Results No?

  • We have a large table of 250MM records, we are running the following queries and they are returning incorrect results.

    We are running Sql server 2000 SP4 on a dual intel box with 4 gigs of ram both files have the same collation(SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS).

    Both tables have nonclustered indexes on the name columns, IMPORTFILE_DeDuped1 only has 1 column(Name) both fields in each table are varchar(255)

    The bottom query should be returning roughly 84k records, can anyone provide insight into why?

    WORKS – 16k recs

    Select * From IMPORTFILE_DeDuped1 Where

    Name In (Select Name from BIG250MMTABLE)

    DOESN”T WORK – 0 recs

    Select * From IMPORTFILE_DeDuped1 Where

    Name NOT In (Select Name from BIG250MMTABLE)

  • You probably have null values in your name column in the BIG250MMTABLE table.

    If you have NOT IN (x,y,NULL), then this will always evaluate to false.

    Here is probably a better explanation:

    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner

  • Nope no nulls, we specifically remove those prior to the select.

  • I'm not sure about the performance you will get out of this, but try using the following syntax:

    Select ID1.*, BT.Name From IMPORTFILE_DeDuped1 as ID1

    left outer join BIG250MMTABLE as BT

    on ID1.Name = BT.Name

    where BT.Name is not null

    With this query, you can change to a full join and remove the where clause, and kind of see if everything is matching the way you intended it to. I like this syntax when my in and not in clauses are acting funny.



  • Strommy (10/17/2007)

    I'm not sure about the performance you will get out of this, but try using the following syntax:

    Select ID1.*, BT.Name From IMPORTFILE_DeDuped1 as ID1

    left outer join BIG250MMTABLE as BT

    on ID1.Name = BT.Name

    where BT.Name is not null

    With this query, you can change to a full join and remove the where clause, and kind of see if everything is matching the way you intended it to. I like this syntax when my in and not in clauses are acting funny.



    We tried this, it does work, however we are still unsure as to why the "NOT IN" clause produces different results.

  • Hi,

    By the way can you re-write the query as below and let me know whether it helps.

    Select A.* From IMPORTFILE_DeDuped1 A Where

    A.Name NOT In (Select B.Name from BIG250MMTABLE B)

    Best Regards,


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