In primary alwayson replica index maintenance plan need tobe prepare fordowntime

  • Dear all,

    I have a 3.5 tb primary always on database with 2 secondary replica one is sync and dr is async

    In primary always on replica index maintenance plan need to be prepare for downtime can any one mention the order for the plan and its steps to follow

    Do we need to suspend the sync between replicas in always on and the do index rebuild and update statistics and shrink the log if any increase or can be decreasable. then enable datamovement back in replicas??

    or can we do index maintenance with out suspend the secondary replicas and once the activity is completed will it resycn the redo latency from primary


  • Don't suspend the replication - index rebuilds are logged events, so they will be replicated in an AG environment. Suspending the replication will merely store the transacions until you resume the replication. All of your other transactions will be suspended too, so the replicas will be out of date and therefore of little use, should a failover be required.

    Have a maintenance window and plan to reindex in 'reasonable' amounts, so you have the least impact possible.

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