March 9, 2017 at 7:09 am
We're just now setting up some in-memory tables to handle session state since our normal disk-based AspState database is encountering lots of blocking. Testing has gone well but I noticed more disk space being used by checkpoint files related to the in memory tables. Apparently in sql 2014 you could force a merge but not in 2016
( In Memory tables )
So I threw together a routine, below, to flip the database into full recovery ( enable a log backup ) and do garbage collection which cleans up many/most of those files. We actually had no intention of backing this database up, at all, but I found these checkpoint files occupying 9GB of space on a VM we didn't think needed much disk space.
Sample files needing cleanup:
02/07/2017 08:36 AM 2,097,152 {528A6A35-EA13-43CF-91F6-CFEF7D2938D7}.hkckp
02/07/2017 08:36 AM 8,388,608 {921AD325-5DDD-44AA-BBBC-FD544F1F3A6C}.hkckp
02/07/2017 08:36 AM 8,388,608 {46F301CD-B56B-4A6B-94EA-F547446CE50E}.hkckp
02/07/2017 08:36 AM 16,777,216 {E9CE1E70-F06F-40A0-9667-C46119365B1F}.hkckp
--check the status of the checkpoint files
select container_id,state_desc,lower_bound_tsn,upper_bound_tsn from sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
order by state_desc
-- Have checkpoint files been flushed?
SELECT state_desc,
count(state_desc) count,
sum(file_size_in_bytes)/(1024*1024) file_size_in_mb_bytes,
Avg(file_size_in_bytes)/(1024*1024) Avgfile_size_in_mb_bytes
FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
GROUP BY state_desc, file_type_desc
ORDER BY file_size_in_mb_bytes desc
-- garbage collection to clean up files Backup with init to overwrite since never going to use the BAK
alter database AspStateInMemory set recovery full
BACKUP DATABASE [ASPStateInMemory] TO DISK = N'C:\AspStateBackup\ASPStateInMemory_backup_ForGarbageCollection.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'ASPStateInMemory_backup_2017_03_09_045957_3874827', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10
backup log aspstateinMemory to disk='NUL'
use ASPStateInMemory
sys.sp_xtp_checkpoint_force_garbage_collection -----[ @dbname=database_name]
alter database AspStateInMemory set recovery simple
March 12, 2017 at 6:32 am
I probably need to drop and re-create the two in-memory tables so that their durability is just Schema, not Schema and Data since we're ok with data loss for a session state database.
Also, the job to "cleanup the checkpoint files" caused by having durability delayed, might only need these lines, leaving the db in simple recovery at all times ( no log backups )
EXECUTE sys.sp_flush_log
use AspstateInMemory
sys.sp_xtp_checkpoint_force_garbage_collection -----[ @dbname=database_name]
EXEC sp_filestream_force_garbage_collection;
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