Improving PASS

  • Debate on how to make PASS better. Please keep it civil and actionable.

    Suggestions needed on

    1 Is PASS adding value to community, if not how can we do more?

    2 How are user group affiliations working?

    3 What are alternates to using an expensive management company, if that is a suggestion.

    4 What can we do to make summit better?

    --and anything anyone can think of.


  • My basic thoughts:

    1. yes, clearly to me, but is it worth the cost/resources expended.
    2. no idea
    3. there needs to be some management company. This cannot be completely run over time as an elected, volunteer org. The orgs that run conferences are stable, with few changes, and when they change, often there is a problem. The compensation and incentive of the mgmt company is the issue, and the fact they have no other clients. Either we should hire them, as in on contract, or they should be forced to derive income elsewhere.
    4. not sure. Lots to unpack here, probably deserves a separate thread.
  • 1 Is PASS adding value to community, if not how can we do more?

    I think it does, through promotion, marketing, and awareness.  Could it do more?  Sure, but IMO it's better than nothing.

    2 How are user group affiliations working?

    Just fine I would think? As I had commented publicly, from a tactical perspective PASS doesn't really "bother" UG's or really restrict them. For me, I just use it for the mailing tool and that's about it. If had to strike out on my own, I'd use something else of course, but the tool and mailing list is there and using it costs me no extra money or hassle or headache.

    3 What are alternates to using an expensive management company, if that is a suggestion.

    Well, at what sacrifice? And in what context?  UG vs SQL Sat vs PASS Summit vs virtual events? I think each of these ought to be separate topics.

    FWIW, I think C&C and PASS are symbiotically tied together now, whether we like it or not. I wish there was more transparency from C&C and a better understanding from the community of the nuances of the relationship between C&C and PASS.  I often wonder if people think "C&C is for profit" and assume the worst about how they choose to operate (they're always gouging PASS). ARE they really taking PASS to the cleaners?  Are they maliciously out to make money, just because it happens to be a for-profit entity?

    In addition to that, I think there's a lot of "sins of the past" that haunt PASS + C&C.  While I may be defending PASS+C&C, I definitely have issues with how they operate... or to clarify, how things were a number of years ago.  I like the changes that have been made more recently, but I still feel like stigma of the past is still chained to C&C. Is some of it deserved? Sure... but is ALL of the negativity towards C&C justified?  Or are we just bitter because of what had happened a long while ago, and not willing to give newer regimes a fair shake?


  • Are we expecting too much from with a Board Of Directors who volunteer?

  • Hey everyone,

    At this point, no comments. I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm here and I'm watching and taking it all in.

    Thanks for all the feedback so far. I hope we get a bunch more.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • By the way, I wrote this about a week ago.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • My thoughts - I know C&C does a LOT of work. I do know that. Every person who has run an event knows how much grunt work is involved and summit is a huge event. We are a demanding community to deal with. I get all of that. I am not going to say 'lets do away with them' and such. But, we are facing a changing world where people are questioning why they need to associate with PASS itself.

    I've attended 3 virtual conferences (RedGate,GroupBy,8KB) in the past few months, since the lockdown. They have cost nothing, they are outstanding in content/quality, networking happens as much as networking can happen online.

    It is getting a bit tiring to re sell sql saturdays and ug association as what PASS pays for. Those have been around a lot and most have backbone to be their own independant entity if they choose to.

    PASS made my career, i want them to survive and thrive. But am quite lost on how. And a lot of it seems to hinge on finances and where the money is coming from and going to.


  • This is a rapidly changing World. What worked in January doesn't now. Just look at how government has handled the changes forced on them and the people making those decisions are all paid.

    PASS will have to change with its first challenge to hold Summit and keep UG's running.

    I wouldn't want to be on the BOD, especially a new member, because the road ahead isn't the one they got elected to navigate. I owe it a lot and want it to survive. Maybe after Summit new elections should be held and that might re-image PASS.




  • "3 virtual conferences (RedGate,GroupBy,8KB) in the past few months, since the lockdown. They have cost nothing"

    Were you aware that GroupBy DID have a non-trivial cost? That cost was fully absorbed by Paper Sword for reasons that are not my place to disclose.

    I cannot speak about the other entities, but there's always a monetary cost. Some have corporate backing... others donate... others seek sponsors.

    My point is, I would suggest that we in the SQL Server community are spoiled by all of the free content and resources available to us.  And dare I say, I wonder if some feel entitled now, because that's what we've become accustomed to.

  • Andy, I only meant cost to attendees, not that they cost nothing to host. I know summit is not easy to put out there like that either. But, people have a right to ask what they're getting from paying that they're not getting for free. And ug associations and sql saturdays are getting harder to sell in return.

  • I think this will get a bit confusing and hard, so I'm closing this topic and splitting this out. I have a few threads. If we need more specific items, please start new ones at  the root.


    Pass 2020 Summit

    PASS, C&C and Financials

    Future Direction of PASS

    Future Summits

    PASS and user groups

    I encourage you to think about what you write, be thoughtful and respectful.


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