May 30, 2008 at 9:14 am
Good morning Michael,
I've been on Vacation.
Your solution is very interesting! Never thought of using
RunCmd """for /f ""tokens=* delims=s"" %f in ('dir /ad " & driveLetr & ":\') do @""sqlcmd.exe"" -S DBHostName -Q ""set nocount on; insert into dbatools.dbo.diskfreeimport values('%f');"""""
Do you think this could be expanded to also return total space??
June 24, 2008 at 11:07 am
Pradeep, Does this help you?
declare @cmd varchar(2000)
declare @Name varchar(100)
declare @reterror int
Set @Name = 'Pradeep.vbs'
set @cmd =
'bcp "Select ''First Line Here'' Union All '
+ 'Select ''Second Line Here'' Union All '
+ 'Select ''ABC'' Union All '
+ 'Select ''123'''
+' " queryout C:\' + @name +' -b5000 -c -t"" -T'
print @cmd
--Select len(@cmd)
--execute @RETERROR = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
--You know the rest here
Select getdate()
Don't forget to uncomment the Execute.
June 24, 2008 at 4:21 pm
Sorry for the delayed response, I have been busy with a "not" vacation (swamped at work). I tried a few methods and the only way I could determine total space in DOS was to use chkdsk c: /c /i, but this is a very slow and disk-intensive process just to get free space... diskpart would work if it did not require a temporary file for scripting input -- why couldn't they just make it accept the script on the command line, like ntdsutil or iisutil?
Anyway, the answer is yes it can be done, but with a lot of slow, heavy drive activity. We're back to ActiveX scripting of WMI to efficiently get total space.
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