imports from variety of files

  • I have a situation where every night files are received from client sites via ftp. These files are in a variety of formats (.csv, .mdb, .tsv, .txt) and many have a .log extension, which I believe is just for uniform naming convention purposes.

    I would like to develop an import package to consolidate all these files into one database, so I can perform other processing on them.

    What would you recommend as a best means to accomplish this?

    I was considering a scheduled job using a series of conditional OpenDataSource statements. Is this the best approach?


  • I'd use DTS for the import.  It has connection objects for all formats you listed.  It can be scheduled as a job.  If the filenames are consistent, you could do all the imports in a single package.




  • Thanks Greg.

    Unfortunately, that is part of the problem. I am trying to find a means to standardize several elements. File naming conventions and layouts are...flexible. One thing going for me is that at least files of the same type (xls) have similar fields included.


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