Importing from Excel with date as table name?

  • I have an Excel spreadsheet which I am importing to SQL Server 2000. It has 1 worksheet and has a date as a name, ie."31-01-2001"

    When I import this, and then set up a datasource in Analysis Services and then try create a new cube using Wizard, I get the following error: "Unable to retrieve the list of columns for the table".

    However, if I rename the Excel worksheet to a name with only letters and repeat the process, it all works fine.

    Am I therefore not supposed to name my worksheets as a date, or is there something wrong that I am doing to cause this error.

    Any input or help would be greatly appreciated.



  • The rules for identifier names states:

    A letter as defined by the Unicode Standard 2.0. The Unicode definition of letters includes Latin characters from a through z and from A through Z, in addition to letter characters from other languages.

    In short, it can't start with a number.



  • You have to add bracket [] to your table name if you could do it in the wizard. For example.

    select * from 31-01-2001 will failed but select * from [31-01-2001] works fine.

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