importing from excel sheets

  • hi,

    I have managed to successfully load muliple excel files to database.

    now i want to load multiple sheets inside the excel file. can you guys show me a simple example of how to do this.

    thank you

  • Is this going to be a scheduled type job where you are always going to be loading the same Excel sheet or is this something like you want to be able to pick up any Excel and do imports on any sheets that might be in the document?

    The latter would require some dynamic handling of looping through possible sheets in the doc.

    The former would require you just using a sample Excel document to build your Data Flow and then making that Excel source dynamic via a Foreach loop.

  • Remember that you will need a connection manager per layout.

    Therefore, if sheet 1 looks different to sheet 2, you will need 2 different connection managers to handle this.

    The rest is pretty dynamic as Putts suggests


  • Thank you guys I managed to get the sheets. but now i have another problem.

    one of the sheets has constant name say 'Sheet1' the other one will change depending on the filename. e.g. if filename is 'file18062008.xls' then the sheet would be 'sheet18062008 string'.....

    now i managed to get the first sheet by creating a variable, then in excel source change the excel sheet to my variable.

    how would i do it for second sheet????

  • Same like you did for the first sheet.

    Variable var2SheetName = "16082008"

    Change the variable with a scripting task

  • Cool thanks for all your help.

    one more question(sorry to be a pain):

    how would I insert columns from two tables into one table??

    say i have one table called table1 which has three columns, 2nd table called table2 2 columns. now i want to get these 5 columns and insert into a third table.


  • INSERT INTO TABLE3 (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5)

    SELECT T1.col1, T1.col2, T2.col1, T2.col2, T2.col3 FROM TABLE1, TABLE2

    Put something like that into a SQL task and it should do what you're wanting

  • thanks isn't there any way to do it using the ssis components

  • Merge join or lookup

  • i have tried the insert statmenet .... but doesnt insert anything.

    here is the code

    insert into table3(ID, name,Phone, MPhone)

    Select table1.ID,,table1.Phone, table1.MPhone

    FROM table2 INNER JOIN

    table3 ON table2.ID = table3.ID INNER JOIN

    table1 ON table3.ID= table1.ID

  • Are the names of your tables actually table1, table2, table3 and table4?

    If that is the case, and your select statement is set up correctly, then it should work.

    To test the Insert into statement, in whatever query tool you use, execute just the Select statement of it and make sure that returns the rows you're expecting

  • thanks that sorted it

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