Importing Flat file with Fixed-length columns

  • Is there any easy way of importing a very large flat file, which has columns defined by their length, not with a delimiter of some sort.

    I've used DTS regularly to import delimited files, but this is a first. And I can't seem to find my way through either the DTS Wizard or the Books Online to get a solution.



  • In the DTS Designer add a text file connection, locate the file, then hit the properties button, select fixed field, hit next and check that the markers are in the correct places for the fields.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Thanks - it works!

  • Bulk insert is better for large files.

    In Bulk Insert Task select use Format File and then define formatting with wizard the same way as for text file.

  • For future reference & a little bit of old school:

    create <tablename>(<fieldname> Nvarchar(1000))

    grant all on <tablename> to public

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell "bcp DB..<tablename> in C:\<filename>  /U<user> /P<password> /n"

    Now you have all your data (batch loaded, 100,000 records per second) in a table with one record&field for each row...

    You read each row using a fetch cursor & parse out your fixed data using the substring(<fieldname>,start,end) for each field...

    and put it where ever you want...

    Hope this helps!

    I use this for importing data from all kinds of sources & have several udf's & SP's which are called from within my application website in populating our database for all sorts of requirements!

    Who needs a wizard, anyway?


    Coach James

  • Coach:

    Can you give an example? I have a flat file import coming in with fixed column lengths (huge amount of data). The column lengths would always be the same. I thought about writing a application to prepare a CSV file, but bcp looks more efficient. I lost you on the fetch cursor part.


  • Check out the syntax on BCP

    I use it for uploading raw data files with only one field, per record terminated by /n (carrage return) and parse out a 80 char string (location specific data) by reading this uploaded table from within a stored procedure and then parse it using substring(s,e)...

    BCP can also read any number of fields per record by specifiing your "field teminator" (such as tab, pipe, or what ever your incoming file supports)...

    BCP is a command line import/export utility; and with it you can unload and load in SQL tables; this is a utility which is called by other SQL products which import and export data!


    Coach James

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