Importing Flat file to table using format file

  • Hi

    I have a table say, "UserEvents". I need to import the values from a flat file to this table using BCP. The flat file will have some additional field values and the order will not be same as it appears in this table.

    Now I want to create a format file so that the values can be imported to the table without any error with the help of this format file.

    Can anyone advice me on how to create a format file for this.

    The structure of the table and the flat file is as given below.

    Column_name   Type

    UserEventID   int

    UserID        int

    EventID       int

    EventDate     smalldatetime

    EventTitle    varchar(25)

    EventNotes    varchar(200)

    EventLocation varchar(25)

    RemindViaMail bit

    RemindOn      tinyint

    RepeatEvent   tinyint

    RepeatTill    smalldatetime

    Field          Length Start  End

    UserEventID    4      1      4

    UserID         4      5      8

    DummyFld1      10     9      18

    EventID        4      19     22

    EventDate      8      23     30

    EventTitle     25     31     55

    EventNotes     200    56     255

    EventLocation  25     256    280

    DummyFld2      25     281    305

    RemindViaMail  1      306    306

    RemindOn       1      307    307

    RepeatEvent    1      308    308

    RepeatTill     8      309    316

    DummyFld3      34     317    350

    DummyFld1, DummyFld2 and  DummyFld3 were the fields to be elimated while importing the file.



  • It's been a while since I made a format file, but to skip a column, in the format file for that column, specify a length of zero and no delimiter


    1       SQLCHAR       0       17      ";;"                       1     col1       

    2       SQLCHAR       0        0       ""                         2     dummycol            

    3       SQLCHAR       0       26      "\r\n"                    3     col2

    The above will skip column 2 since it's zero length and have no delimiter specified.


  • Not quite.  To skip columns in the input file, use the number of columns to skip as the length and zero for the output field ordinal.

    1  SQLCHAR  0  4  ""  1  UserEventID  ""

    2  SQLCHAR  0  4  ""  2  UserID  ""

    3  SQLCHAR  0  10 "" 0  Skip  ""

    4  SQLCHAR  0  4  ""  3  EventID  ""

  • Ah yes, that is probably more accurate.

    I had an old example lying around, but in it the last few columns were being skipped, not any in between, so I missed the column numbering part.


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