Importing data from Informix into SQL Server 2000 using DTS

  • What is the process of bringing in data from an Informix table into SQL Server 2000 using DTS?  Is this process documented anywhere?  I am using Informix Client SDK (64 bit).

  • The basic Process for this woudl be to create a DTS task.  Create 2 connections, one usign you informix driver, the other with your SQL Server driver.  Then Highlight them both and rightclick and choose Data transformation task.  Either choose to copy a table or use a T-SQL statement to get the data you need from one to the other.  This is better documented in BOL.


    PS. you could also use the wizard.


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  • You can also link the Informix DBMS.  This may be the better option if you will be regularly importing data.  It allows you to query the Informix data directly from the Informix database using stored procedures and the openquery function.  The downside is that it is read only.


    Hope this helps



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