importing a pivot table data

  • Hi I am trying to load a table to another database. I know that i have to apply pivot to transform the data, but am just not able to figure out how.

    A sample of my data is given

    idtitle4 value

    63Name XYZ

    63RollNo 1011190





    i want the data such that i get the records in title4 as columns and corresponding value in the rows

    ID Name RollNo DateOfBirth GreadStream Cf_gradInstitue cf_gradpercent

    63 XYZ 1011190 14/12/84 ABCD PQRS 93.5

    any help will be much appreciated

  • Hi there Hussain,

    Try something like this

    -- Generate testdata

    DECLARE @T TABLE (id int, title4 varchar(20), value varchar(50))

    INSERT @T (id, title4, value)

    VALUES(63, 'Name', 'XYZ')

    INSERT @T (id, title4, value)

    VALUES(63, 'RollNo', '1011190')

    INSERT @T (id, title4, value)

    VALUES(63, 'DateOfBirth', '14/12/84')

    INSERT @T (id, title4, value)

    VALUES(63, 'GreadStream', 'ABCD')

    INSERT @T (id, title4, value)

    VALUES(63, 'Cf_gradInstitue', 'PQRS')

    INSERT @T (id, title4, value)

    VALUES(63, 'cf_gradpercent', '93.5')

    -- Pivot

    SELECT ID, Name, RollNo, DateOfBirth, GreadStream, Cf_gradInstitue, cf_gradpercent

    FROM (

    SELECT ID, title4, value

    FROM @T) up

    PIVOT (max(Value) FOR title4 IN (Name, RollNo, DateOfBirth, GreadStream, Cf_gradInstitue, cf_gradpercent)) AS pvt


    Andreas Goldman

  • Hi Andreas

    This was just what I required. Thank you very much



  • You're welcome. Glad I could help.

    Andreas Goldman

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