Import/Export doesn''t copy the Pk

  • I tried to import/export tables b/w SQL 2005 servers using SQL Management Studio.  There is no option to include the PK, FKs as SQL 2000 Enterprice Manager did.  Is it somewhere I missed?  Thanks.

  • I cannot find the option too. But you can change the generated create table script and add the PK or FK. The wizard will execute the code. This is really inconvinent if you are importing lots of tables.



  • that is something I really want to include

  • I think there is already option is there to copy PK's and foreign keys.

    During Import - Export there is a button called Optios if u click that

    This option will come

  • are you sure there is such button in SQL 2005 Management Studio?  I just looked one more time, there is no such button.

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