Import trace file

  • Hi Folks,

    I have a 10 gb(don't ask) trace file and need to import it into SQL. I don't have a lot of space on my machine only 6 gbs and this is what I've tried

    - Load the trace in SQLProfiler

    result : windows error as I didn't have enough space on my machine

    - Import the file using the following

    SELECT * INTO trace_log_results


    fn_trace_gettable (@filename,default)

    result : windows error as I didn't have enough space on my machine... tempdb starting filling up and used up all my space

    I am currently in the middle of just doing

    insert into trace_log_results

    SELECT *



    and once again the tempdb file is filling up.

    Does anyone know how to do this any other way? BCP or something else. If I declare the cols I want will it bypass the tempdb.

    thanks in advance and I am looking forward to your reponse.


  • Here's some templates I've used in the past. They're somewhere between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 compatible, as I haven't done much work with this yet in 2005, so be wary of the column names.

    First, I use

    SELECT top 10 *

    from ::fn_trace_gettable(' ', default)

    to get the sense of what columns there are to import. Depending on the trace, many will be blank, null, or unimportant. Next, I monkey with the following SELECT...INTO command, specifying only those columns I want to import (which should save you space and time!). Again, double-check the column names, I haven't tested this much on 2005:


    -- Key





    ,DatabaseName -- It gets populated in 2005!





    -- Very Common







    -- Common




    -- -- Uncommon

    -- ,BinaryData

    -- ,Error

    -- ,EventSubClass

    -- ,IndexID

    -- ,Mode

    -- ,NestLevel

    -- ,ObjectType

    -- ,Severity

    -- ,State

    -- -- Unknown

    -- ,ClientProcessID

    -- ,ColumnPermissions

    -- ,FileName

    -- ,Handle

    -- ,LoginSid

    -- ,OwnerName

    -- ,Permissions

    -- ,RoleName

    -- ,Success

    -- ,TargetLoginName

    -- ,TargetLoginSid

    -- ,TargetUserName

    -- ,TransactionID

    -- -- Pointless

    -- ,DBUserName

    -- ,NTDomainName

    -- ,NTUserName

    -- ,ServerName


    from ::fn_trace_gettable(' ', default)

    (I left in my personal comments--you're mileage will vary!)

    In your case, I don't see any reason not to stick a WHERE clause on this:



    from ::fn_trace_gettable(' ', default)

    where color = 'red'

    ...or whatever (where textdata like '%red%', perhaps?) That should cut down on the number of rows you're importing.

    After I do that, if I really need to work it over I load it into a star schema for serious analysis--but that too I haven't really upgraded to 2005.

    Good luck!


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