Import many databases

  • Hi,

    I have 100 databases, with 1000 table each database (all databases= 5 TB).

    What is the most simple method to import all databases in a single UNIQUE database AUTOMATICAL ?

    Thank you


  • Mr_Q - Monday, January 14, 2019 6:00 AM


    I have 100 databases, with 1000 table each database (all databases= 5 TB).

    What is the most simple method to import all databases in a single UNIQUE database AUTOMATICAL ?

    Thank you

    Do all of the tables, across all of the databases, have different names?
    What do you mean by 'unique database'?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • All tables have the same name. And all the databases are different names and are mounted on the same instances.

    Through the unique database I understand a separate and independent database.


  • Mr_Q - Monday, January 14, 2019 6:00 AM


    I have 100 databases, with 1000 table each database (all databases= 5 TB).

    What is the most simple method to import all databases in a single UNIQUE database AUTOMATICAL ?

    Thank you

    Quick questions:
    1. Are you merging the content or is the data to be kept separate?
    2. Do the databases have different schemas?
    3. Are there any conflicts in any user/object/function/synonym etc. names?

  • Quick questions:
    1. Are you merging the content or is the data to be kept separate?
    R: For imported data, it is necessary to know (after import) the correspondence between the data and the source (for this it can be imported into a dedicated sql schema)

    2. Do the databases have different schemas?
    R: The schemas are the identical

    3. Are there any conflicts in any user/object/function/synonym etc. names?
    R: There are NO conflicts


  • Hi,

    Assuming you're aware than maintaining a 5 To database is way painful than 100 50Go databases, and if you don't have stored procedures of views (especially views of views issues), you have various solutions :
    - Do a script who run through each database to script out 'SELECT INTO FROM' style scripts (if the tables are heaps), and run the script, putting the name of the database as schema
    - Do a script who run through each database to script out 'CREATE TABLE' style scripts (if the tables are clusters or if you have more time, le first solution is faster to execute), and run the script, then script out some 'INSERT INTO' style script putting the name of the database as schema.
    Again, a 5 To database is painful to maintain so think now about filegroups techniques and partitions before to run the big show!

    Johan Jezequel
    ** Sorry for my english, I promess you I do my best **

  • Mr_Q - Monday, January 14, 2019 7:07 AM

    Quick questions:
    1. Are you merging the content or is the data to be kept separate?
    R: For imported data, it is necessary to know (after import) the correspondence between the data and the source (for this it can be imported into a dedicated sql schema)

    2. Do the databases have different schemas?
    R: The schemas are the identical

    3. Are there any conflicts in any user/object/function/synonym etc. names?
    R: There are NO conflicts

    The next question is: do you have the space to duplicate the data during the consolidation?

  • Mr_Q - Monday, January 14, 2019 6:00 AM


    I have 100 databases, with 1000 table each database (all databases= 5 TB).

    What is the most simple method to import all databases in a single UNIQUE database AUTOMATICAL ?

    Thank you

    First step, find out where your 5000 TB server is located!

  • I have enough space.


  • nobody has a solution?


  • Maybe they're waiting for you to post your plan for them to comment on?

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