Import Excel date column to SQL 2008

  • I have some data in Excel which I have to import to a new sql table . Its failing on one coulmn which is a date column and the data is in the format eg: '1994_Sep_28'...Probably I have to do some conversion and I'm not sure how to and which datatype to use to pull in this date column data.. Does anyone know how to import this date column data into SQL 2008 ?

    Appreciate any assistance, Thx.


  • I'd stage it into a CHAR column and mung it into one of the accepted date input formats (see using SUBSTRING() and a CASE expression.

    Something along the lines of:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.date_test


    ip CHAR(11),

    op DATE


    INSERT INTO dbo.date_test (ip) VALUES ('1994_Sep_28'), ('2011_Nov_30'), ('2012_Dec_21');

    UPDATE dbo.date_test

    SET op = SUBSTRING(ip, 1, 4)

    + '-'

    + CASE SUBSTRING(ip, 6, 3)

    WHEN 'Jan' THEN '01'

    WHEN 'Feb' THEN '02'

    WHEN 'Mar' THEN '03'

    WHEN 'Apr' THEN '04'

    WHEN 'May' THEN '05'

    WHEN 'Jun' THEN '06'

    WHEN 'Jul' THEN '07'

    WHEN 'Aug' THEN '08'

    WHEN 'Sep' THEN '09'

    WHEN 'Oct' THEN '10'

    WHEN 'Nov' THEN '11'

    WHEN 'Dec' THEN '12'


    + '-'

    + SUBSTRING(ip, 10, 2);

    SELECT * FROM dbo.date_test;

    -- Stephen Cook

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