April 2, 2023 at 12:04 pm
I want to import database form access to SQL server 2014
When adding a database (structure and data), the process does not complete and I get an error (0xc0202009)
When adding a database (just structure) without data, the operation is successful, but I do not find the database in the list
April 2, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Could you please share more information?
It would be helpful if you describe your effort in detail, share information on the dataset and the error messages in full. For instance, which application is throwing the 0xc0202009 error?
April 2, 2023 at 1:59 pm
which application is throwing the 0xc0202009 error?
SQL server 2014 mangemant studio
Do you require other information?
April 2, 2023 at 2:05 pm
which application is throwing the 0xc0202009 error?
SQL server 2014 mangemant studio
Do you require other information?
When it comes to information, more is merrier;)
The error you are getting from the import wizard is a data conversion error, check source and destination data type definitions.
April 2, 2023 at 2:26 pm
The error you are getting from the import wizard is Data conversion error, check the source and destination data type definitions.
The database is intact and there is no error in it because it was working in copy (ٍَSQL server 2008)
But here, the error appears
How do I check the data source and destination???
April 3, 2023 at 10:16 am
You say this:
The database is intact and there is no error in it because it was working in copy (ٍَSQL server 2008)
which suggests that you were able to migrate the database structure OK.
But in your first post, you say this:
When adding a database (just structure) without data, the operation is successful, but I do not find the database in the list
which suggests that the migration failed completely.
Also, you have now mentioned multiple versions of SQL Server (2008 and 2014 – both of which are now unsupported).
Can you see why this is all confusing?
April 3, 2023 at 11:36 am
Sorry, maybe my explain is not clear
The database was working on copy (SQL server 2008) and now it is not working on copy (SQL server 2014) and I get error number (0xc0202009)
The new version (SQL server 2014) when import an empty database does not give errors and completes the process (import) and does not appear in the list, ( I don't know why?)
And when adding only one record in one of the files, it stops working and does not complete import and shows the same error (0xc0202009)
(SQL server 2014) Don't accept a full database (structure and data), only accept an empty database (just structure) and It does not appear in the list after the process is completed
April 3, 2023 at 12:01 pm
Suggest you describe what you are doing step by step.
So far we got the following knowledge:
1. Data conversion failure on import (error)
2. MS Access database as the source
3. SQL Server Version 2008 (R2 or not?) working
4. SQL Server Version 2014, not working
Now we just have to figure out what this has to do with the price of fish 😉
April 3, 2023 at 12:20 pm
The database was working on copy (SQL server 2008) and now it is not working on copy (SQL server 2014) and I get error number (0xc0202009)
Please explain what you mean by 'working'.
The new version (SQL server 2014) when import an empty database does not give errors and completes the process (import) and does not appear in the list, ( I don't know why?)
Is this the list of databases in SSMS Object Explorer? If not, which 'list' are you referring to?
And when adding only one record in one of the files, it stops working and does not complete import and shows the same error (0xc0202009)
Which files? Adding one record to an Access table? Surely it already contains data? What stops working?
(SQL server 2014) Don't accept a full database (structure and data), only accept an empty database (just structure) and It does not appear in the list after the process is completed
What do you mean by 'accept'? If it does not 'appear in the list', how do you know it exists?
April 3, 2023 at 1:47 pm
So far we got the following knowledge:
1. Data conversion failure on import (error)
Yes, when convert Access database to SQL server 2014 , failed
2. MS Access database as the source
I have attached Access file database
3. SQL Server Version 2008 (R2 or not?) working
It was SQL server 2008 R2
4. SQL Server Version 2014, not working
It works but gives a failure when I Import Access Database
The database was working on copy (SQL server 2008) and now it is not working on copy (SQL server 2014) and I get error number (0xc0202009)
Please explain what you mean by 'working'.
I mean I can't do(Import) on a copy SQL server 2014
The new version (SQL server 2014) when import an empty database does not give errors and completes the process (import) and does not appear in the list, ( I don't know why?)
Is this the list of databases in SSMS Object Explorer? If not, which 'list' are you referring to?
Yes, I mean this list ( Object Explorer)
And when adding only one record in one of the files, it stops working and does
Which files? Adding one record to an Access table? Surely it already contains data? What stops working?
When do (import) for an empty Access database it gives no errors
But when adding one record to the Access database and then doing (import) in SQL server 2014 gives errors
(SQL server 2014) Don't accept a full database (structure and data), only accept an empty database (just structure) and It does not appear in the list after the process is completed
What do you mean by 'accept'? If it does not 'appear in the list', how do you know it exists?
when do( Import) for an empty database does not give errors during do (Import) but does not show me in list(Object Explorer)
April 3, 2023 at 1:49 pm
Sorry, the site does not allow me to do attached
April 3, 2023 at 8:28 pm
Is it accdb format or mdb?
MDB uses Jet, and that seems to work. you haven't provided enough information to help you though.
Maybe try utteracces.com - that's an Access site and they may be able to help you.
I *think* you can use the migration wizard in Access to do it.
April 4, 2023 at 9:38 am
Access Database format (mdb)
April 4, 2023 at 5:35 pm
Oh wait... if you have a version working in SQL Server, why not just upgrade that or move it to the 2014 or whatever instance... backup on 2008, move file to 2014 instance, and restore? (Or did I misread that?).
April 4, 2023 at 8:04 pm
I formatted the my lap top and instul l the latest version of the softwares, including SQL server
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