Import data from Excel and conversion

  • Hi,

    I am importing data from an Excel spreadsheet, but one field is causing a problem when it is converted to a date in a staging table in my server.

    The field is a text field in Excel, with entries such as the following

    "20070327" & "20070308"

    The data is imported then converted initially to a unicode string [dt_wtsr] using a data conversion editor, then in a Derived column transformation editor i use the following calc to convert to a date format for the sql destination table.


    Now it works fine if I run the import procedure in BIDS, but when run through the sql agent as a scheduled job, the date format does not convert successfully. Instead some convert correctly to (in this example) to 27/032008, but when the final 2 digits of the string are less than 12 (such as in the second example, the date is converted to 03/08/2007 which is incorrect.

    so, is there a more efficient way of converting the data in excel to a date format, or what am I doing wrong here to cause the error?

    Thx for your help

  • The best way to send the date to SQL Server is YYYY/MM/DD. So if you switch this:


    to this:


    It should work. I have tested it myself. You also do not need to do the conversion to date in SSIS, SQL Server will do it.

  • Thx for that - my ssis package also runs faster now without the date conversion.

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