Import and export data

  • Hi,

    We have 3 servers called A,B,C

    We need to migrate data from A to B AND B to C.There are no primary keys on tables so i have to delete the data and then import.Currently i have created a DTS package(On server B), in this,

    1.delete FROM all tables on B

    2.Import data from A to B

    3.Delete FROM all tables on C

    4.Export data from B to C

    It is working fine but taking long time and hard to maintain.

    I want to do it in one transaction, is there any best way you have. Any ideas please.


  • Try creating a DTS package with 2 Copy Sql Server Objects Tasks

    #1 to copy from A to B

    #2 to copy from B to C

    You can specify in the tasks to drop objects before moving.

  • Server A is not a SQL SERVER, B anc C are SQL2K

    Accessing A from B by DSN

    C lnked on B


  • Can you export the data from Server A to flat files? If so, then copying the files accross to Server B and using BULK INSERT to load the data, will give you the best performance.

    Using the 'Copy Objects' to transfer the data to Server C is also a good option. Although if the data on Server C is an identical copy of the data loaded on Server B, then you can use BULK INSERT to load the data from the same files. This will also allow you to load the data in parallel.


    load table1 on B

    load table2 on B and table1 on C

    load table3 on B and table2 on C


    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Phill,

    I can't export the data to flat files because server A is not a SQL box and also i have onlyaccess through DSN.

    And Server B and Server C are on two different network.


  • One reason BCP is so fast is because there is no transaction stuff going on. If dumping the data from server A to a flat file for importing via BCP is not an option, then perhaps you could look at your DTS packages and tinker with how they utilize transactions? In a closed environment (no users to block) wrapping a process that has 5 million plus data actions in it within a single transaction can speed it up by a large amount. Far fewer log entries. While I have had practical experience with this within SQL, I have never touched transaction stuff in DTS- it may already be doing all it can.

    What is the number and size of the rows you are dealing with? Just a general idea would give me a better feel for how much of the time involved is not necessary.

  • Probably already thought of it, but insert into is slower than select into, truncate faster than delete, inserting into tables with indexes already defined is slow (bulk wise) especially if you have done this process on the same objects over and over and the fragmentation/splits are waaay up there.

    I have a process that generates a large amount of data every 30 minutes, and when I insert the initial data I remove all indexes (in some cases I totally drop the tables), then add them back when it's done. Ugly, but it helps.

  • Hi cmore,

    Q.What is the number and size of the rows you are dealing with? Just a general idea would give me a better feel for how much of the time involved is not necessary.

    A. There are 25 tables and each having like 2000 records.

    what happening is, some times after deleting the records while importing from A the job getting fail.Tha't why i want to do in one transaction.


  • Are these 25 tables all being imported in one DTS package?

    What is the DBMS on Server A?

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Yes all 25 tables importing in DTS, DBMS on A is informix.

  • Is the import ONE dts package, or multiple packages?

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • One DTS package.

  • To make it more manageable, break your package up into discreet sets of tables. ie: in each package only include tables that are dependent on other tables in the package. When you have these packages setup you can run them from a master package that executes all the other packages. This way you can manage the flow of data into the database a bit better and have the overall process complete quicker. eg: if you have a table containing data for product orders and another table with data for tracking website visits, both of these tables can be loaded in parallel because they don't relate to each other.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Can i do some thing like this?.







    DECLARE @Table_Name CHAR(100)

    DECLARE @sql CHAR(200)

    DECLARE tablename_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U'

    OPEN tablename_cursor

    FETCH FROM tablename_cursor INTO @Table_Name

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0



    IF @direction = 'IMPORT'


    SET @sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' + @Table_Name

    EXEC (@sql)

    SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + @Table_Name + 'SELECT * FROM <linkserver>..' + @Table_Name

    EXEC (@sql)




    SET @sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE <linkserver>..' + @Table_Name

    EXEC (@sql)

    SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO <linkserver>..' + @Table_Name + 'SELECT * FROM ' + @Table_Name

    EXEC (@sql)


    IF @@error > 0




    FETCH NEXT FROM tablename_cursor INTO @Table_Name


    CLOSE tablename_cursor

    DEALLOCATE tablename_cursor






  • Yes you can. It won't perform as quick as a transfer database objects task in DTS. You are also tied to transferring one table at a time. If you group tables together as I mentioned in my previous post you can do parallel loading.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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