Import 5 CSV files to SQL Server DB and export the results as 5 CSV files.

  • Hi Friends,

    Hope all doing good.

    I am currently struck with a requirement at my work.

    1. I currently have 5 different CSV files which contains 100 K Phone numbers for each .csv file ( 1-100K .csv file 1; 100k-200k .csv file2; ......400-500K .csv file 5 ) in our destination VM ( Column name is  |Phone number| ) 
    2. The SQL Server 2012 DB is hosted on different server ( VM ) which contains many instances and we don't have access.
    3. We have to import the 5 csv files ( back to back ), which means parsing the files and get the associated user details for those 500 K phone numbers ( Phone number | user name | location | Status ) from the database which is hosted at different location and export the 5 CSV files with the corresponding user details into the destination VM.
    4. For Ex:
    Step 1: Importing the .csv files into the Database ( Preferably Temp tables and to be dropped )
    Step 2 : Selecting the data based on 500K Phone numbers from Temp tables by joining with Phonedata DB, Phoneuser table ( Phone number, user name , location , status ) 
    Step 3 : Exporting the 500 K Phone users data to the 5 csv files into the destination VM.

    Looking for a SQL Script to implement the above 3 steps, so that will make use of the concept and schedule a shell scripted cron job.

    Thanks in advance friends for your help friends.


  • manoharogirala - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 4:34 PM

    Hi Friends,

    Hope all doing good.

    I am currently struck with a requirement at my work.

    1. I currently have 5 different CSV files which contains 100 K Phone numbers for each .csv file ( 1-100K .csv file 1; 100k-200k .csv file2; ......400-500K .csv file 5 ) in our destination VM ( Column name is  |Phone number| ) 
    2. The SQL Server 2012 DB is hosted on different server ( VM ) which contains many instances and we don't have access.
    3. We have to import the 5 csv files ( back to back ), which means parsing the files and get the associated user details for those 500 K phone numbers ( Phone number | user name | location | Status ) from the database which is hosted at different location and export the 5 CSV files with the corresponding user details into the destination VM.
    4. For Ex:
    Step 1: Importing the .csv files into the Database ( Preferably Temp tables and to be dropped )
    Step 2 : Selecting the data based on 500K Phone numbers from Temp tables by joining with Phonedata DB, Phoneuser table ( Phone number, user name , location , status ) 
    Step 3 : Exporting the 500 K Phone users data to the 5 csv files into the destination VM.

    Looking for a SQL Script to implement the above 3 steps, so that will make use of the concept and schedule a shell scripted cron job.

    Thanks in advance friends for your help friends.


    You could use BULK INSERT

    BULK INSERT SchoolsTempFROM 'C:\CSVData\Schools.csv'WITH(  FIRSTROW = 2,  FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', --CSV field delimiter  ROWTERMINATOR = '\n', --Use to shift the control to next row  TABLOCK)

    <hr noshade size=1 width=250 color=#BBC8E5> Regards,Jeffery Williams

  • SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is another option.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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