Implied Authentication error in Log?

  • Hello everyone.

    I just performed an in-place upgrade for a client from SQL Server 2008 R2 to 2016 (Enterprise Ed). Everything seems fine except that I am getting two errors in the error log upon startup that I have never seen before:

    1) InitializeExternalUserGroupSid failed. Implied authentication will be disabled

    followed directly by:

    2) Implied authentication manager initialization failed. Implied authentication will be disabled.

    As mentioned, I have never seen these errors before, and also we are not currently experiencing any problems (that we know of). I checked the error logs from the previous reboot before the upgrade, and this error did not occur on the 2008 R2 version.

    Does anyone know what this could be or if we should be concerned?


  • Hi! Were you able to get rid of this message? I experience exactly the same issue and this is the only place on Internet where this issue was raised. What is "Implied authentication manager" anyway? This is the first instance of SQL Server 2016 EE SP1 I've configured. Can't find it anywhere else on SQL2008R2, SQL2012 and SQL2014.

  • Have we got any hits on this? I'm interested in this as well. I is this a new error code for SQL Server 2016? Googlefoo is failing me on this as well.


    Jim Jesska

  • Have we got any hits on this? I'm interested in this as well. I is this a new error code for SQL Server 2016? Googlefoo is failing me on this as well.


    Jim Jesska

  • I figured out that this is related to R runtime and SQL Server Trusted Launchpad which I haven't installed, so I just ignored it. Here is some information on implied authentication.

  • I have the same issue on an inherited 2016 installation, and as of Nov. 7, 2017, there are still no other relevant Google hits for this. I don't know if this is normal and expected for a SQL Server 2016 installation that does not use or have R or Machine Learning configured, or if it indicates a problem.

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