Image in sql server

  • I have a small doubt about image......

    In sql server image datatype size has give 2gb or 2,147,483,647 bytes.

    But sql server is not storing image in database it is out side of database only address of image will store in database......

    there is a pointer and it will point to that image and fatch the image.

    then why sql server has given 2,147,483,647 bytes only for storing the address???

    if u want ui can reply me

  • SQL Server supports up to 2,147,483,647 bytes for image data.

    It doesn't use 2,147,483,647 bytes for the pointer.

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  • Hi,

    If SQL Server supports up to 2,147,483,647 bytes for image data.

    It doesn't use 2,147,483,647 bytes for the pointer.

    Then only for storing address why they have located 2gb of space.

    only storing the address max in mb or byte is more than enough.

  • Are you sure the data is stored outside of SQL Server? This is the case with FileStream for varbinary(max), but I'm not sure it is for the image datatype.

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  • Image stores the 16 byte pointer data in-row, the actual image data is farmed off to the the large object tree and the pointer details which pages make up the image data, so a 2GB file would consume 2GB of database space as it is stored in the database.

    Also as you posted in 2008 forum, I am going to go out on a limb and say get upgrading your columns to the new large data types varchar(MAX), nvarchar(MAX), varbinary(MAX) as test, ntext and image are all depreciated data types and will be removed from a later version of SQL.

    Usually, text, ntext, or image strings are large, a maximum of 2GB, character or binary strings stored outside a data row. The data row contains only a 16-byte text pointer that points to the root node of a tree built of internal pointers that map the pages in which the string fragments are stored.

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