...I'll apologize in advance...

  • Yep, it works - thanks again! I see the calendar thingie (you're speaking my language!), and the report displays values.

    Onto other issues, now. I've figured how to put in '0' for any field in the table outputted that would be empty. (...I never cease to amaze myself...) Now I would like to change the information displayed for 'Type' and 'mrPriority' that is displayed in the report when I preview it. For example, one Type is "Desktop__bSoftware", and I would actually like to see "Desktop Software". Can I change this somehow? (I don't understand why it shows "Desktop__bSoftware" in the table when in the actual program that uses this database shows "Desktop Software", but that's a whole other topic...)

  • It sounds like the other application has a lookup that looks at the "Desktop__bSoftware" value and grabs a user friendly version. If you run the query that your report runs against and view the raw results, do you see the "Desktop__bSoftware" value or the "Desktop Software" value?



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