IIF statement in Calculated field doesn't sum in Group footer = #error

  • =iif(Fields!Posting_Date.Value>="10/01/2011" AND Fields!Posting_Date.Value <="10/31/2011" AND Fields!Source_Code.Value="ACTJNL",Fields!Amount.Value,0.00)

    I can't sum this calculated field in a group. Does this have to do with nesting aggregates? Is there a solution in SSRS2008? I can get around this issue by creating the formula in the datasource. However, I'd like to know how others have solved similar issues.



  • do you get result for


  • I get a result in the detail line. In the group footer I get #Error.

  • You need to go for a custom code that sets a flag and value in a variables, and set the value based on the condition(flag value) in the page footer.

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