IIF #Error

  • Hi

    I would like to ask for advice about some iif statment i am using in Reporting Services 2008.

    when i am writing this statment i get an error



    Sum(Fields!PACB.Value)=0,0,Sum(Fields!RCB.Value) / Sum(Fields!PACB.Value))


    so i have written this one:




    Sum(Fields!RCB.Value) / IIF(Sum(Fields!PACB.Value)=0,1, Sum(Fields!PACB.Value))


    now i am having this statment:

    =IIF(SUM(Fields!AB.Value) = 0,0,SUM(Fields!AB.Value*Fields!GB.Value)/IIF(SUM(Fields!AB.Value) = 0,1, SUM(Fields!AB.Value)))


    which gives me #Error.

    Any advice how to make it better will be appriciated

    Thank You


  • there is always more info in your Output of Visual Studio on any error

  • Hi

    The error is on runtime, when i run the report i can see "#error".

    when i save the expression there is no error within the visual studio

    thank you


  • You have to check in your Visual Studio, usually left bottom corner. See screenshot.

    Open Error list or Output.

  • Add this code to you report in the code section (report properties)

    PUBLIC FUNCTION NDZ(Numerator, Denominator, DZResult) AS Double

    IF Denominator = 0 THEN

    RETURN DZResult


    RETURN Numerator / Denominator

    END IF


    Then here's how you call it :

    =VAL(code.NDZ(SUM(Fields!Marge.Value), SUM(Fields!Amount.Value), 0) * 100)

    The val avoids a weird error in subtotals and grand totals in matrices.

  • Use it in a text box of a table, apply Grouping on the entire row. This should work

    =IIF(Sum(Fields!PACB.Value)=0, 0,Sum(Fields!RCB.Value) / Sum(Fields!PACB.Value))


    =IIF(Fields!PACB.Value=0, 0,Sum(Fields!RCB.Value) / Sum(Fields!PACB.Value))

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