If You Had To Pick a Super Hero...

  • Ah yes, ... for me its always been Clark Kent. I mean, I've got the glasses, I still wear a suit to work every day just like him, we're the same height, heck we're even the same denomination! Plus, I've always admired his humility and his concern for and willingness to help others.

    Guess I'm just a traditionalist... πŸ™‚

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
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  • Jeff Moden (8/27/2010)

    David in .AU (8/27/2010)

    Jeff, that's such a cop out πŸ™‚

    Come on, show the color of your spandex...

    As for me, Atomic Robo, has a lot more fun with technology that I ever do πŸ˜›

    In that case, "Toxic Avenger"... he can set a brick building on fire just by peeing on the corner. πŸ˜‰ Being a beer drinker, I can relate.

    You know Jeff, I would have thought that you would have selected Flash - since that is what you make all your code run in! πŸ˜€

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  • Funny that you mention The Flash, Wayne... I'm always hungry like he is after a good run... especially after I quit smoking (finally).

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  • DEXTER !! he is not a Super Hero technically or physically but mentally, he is the HERO of the SUPER Lab πŸ™‚ awesome innovations, awesome inventions, he really is a super-hero..

    As far the real superheroes go, it will go for HE-MAN..i used to rush from my school to see the show on TV..it was back in 1993 or 1995 they started showing it in TV here in India.. i just loved the way the cartoon is made.. lovely...

  • I gotta go with the Flash, or Sasquatch(Alpha Flight)

  • If I'm going for well known, I'd have to go with Superman.

    If I'm going for my favorite, I'd have to say Duplicate Boy. He was a backup character in old Legion of Superheroes comics and has the ability to duplicate any superpower or superpowers. Make sure you have the tools to get the job done, no matter what the job.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • For Marvel - I'd take the Vision. Super computer brain, able to adjust is mass from ghost-like to hard as diamond. Heat rays from his eyes is also pretty cool! But don't forget his beautiful wife!

    For DC - I have always been a fan of the orginal Doctor Fate. A little bit of magic can go a long ways.

    I did notice reading through these that nobody picked Diaper Man from the Mighty Heroes. Wonder why?

    And one more thought...

    SQLBill (8/27/2010)

    Batman. I used to have a Batman costume when I was a kid. He had such cool gadgets, his strength came from working out - not from a magic potion, being an alien or any other instant gratification way - and he since he doesn't have any 'super powers' he has to use his intellect to solve crime. Anyone could become Batman with some effort. But other superheros are flukes - either they are aliens or they get their power from some 'magic' potion or item (like GL's ring).

    And need I say it - Catwoman! What other hero has such a gorgeous archfoe? I grew up on the Adam West - Batman and Julie Newmar as Catwoman.


    This is my youngest brother to the max! World's biggest Batman fan and totaly in love with Julie as catwoman. BTW - his name is Bill also.


  • Not as famous as some of the others mentioned but since I am overly Geeky I would choose to be a technopath. I don't really care which one and they are usually not portrayed as heros at all but usually the villian as is the case in the cheesy movie sky high. But I love the idea that I could sit in front of any computer and fix any problem just by thinking it. there is nothing you could not build nothing you could not fix. from my desk I could place a picture of my logo on all of your desktops just by thinking it. how cool would that be.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • Hari Seldon from Isaac Asimov's Foundation πŸ™‚

  • jcrawf02 (8/27/2010)

    I can't believe I get to be the first one with the RIGHT answer - The Tick!

    And if you have to ask why, then I'm not telling....


    Assuming you are talking either of the comic or the animated series, I would be Arthur - no powers beyond pointing out the obvious.

    If you push for a superhuman then Marvelman (you might know him as Miracleman due to some ridiculous legal issue - Marvelman existed before Marvel but Marvel won). Mike Moran is a normal, overweight guy with issues but says 'Kimota' and becomes something quite different. To me it is an allegory of how we all have to become something else at those points in time.


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