If You Had To Pick a Super Hero...

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item If You Had To Pick a Super Hero...

  • I would pick wolverine. He can live for long and can regenerate. He is always fighting his instincts to stay in control.

  • I try to stick with the real life super heroes. Steve Jones comes to mind. I also see a bunch of dedicated heavy hitters on this forum that also qualify as super heroes in my mind.

    One way or another, all ficticious super heroes make a significant sacrifice.... just like the real life people I just mentioned do.

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  • Jeff, that's such a cop out 🙂

    Come on, show the color of your spandex...

    As for me, Atomic Robo, has a lot more fun with technology that I ever do 😛

  • This is actually a really hard question. I think it would have to be Reed Richards, of the Fantastic Four, simply because he solves most of his problems using his intellect--his superpower being a bit naff, really!

  • Amusingly enough, I'm taking a break from City of Heroes (online superhero game) to read a few posts on SSC, and I find this!

    If I could be any superhero at all, it would probably be Charles Xavier. Think how much trouble you could save everyone involved if you could read the minds people who are trying to write software specifications! Never again get, "Yeah, that's exactly what I asked for, but not at all what I need/want." Of course, if I really had that ability, I wouldn't bother with remaining a DBA. Nor would I waste my time on a "school for mutants". I'd go straight to the UN, scare the heck out of everyone by proving the ability, and then make the whole world a much safer place by reading the minds of world leaders and ambassadors and such. Get rid of the misconceptions, lies, mistranslations, disinformation, etc., and international relations would suddenly become a MUCH cleaner field. Not as exciting as a comic book, but it would do more actual good for the world.

    (I once read that Superman should give up fighting crime and just wrap himself in wire and spin inside a magnetic field. With his speed, he could generate enough power to provide the whole world with free electricity. Would be a MUCH bigger contribution to the overall good of mankind than stopping a few bank robberies, et al. Would also make for REALLY, REALLY boring comic books, movies, etc.) :hehe:

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    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Thor hands down.

    Though being a god he knows what it is to be an old frail man and is humble enough to see his limits.

    Besides a winged helmet and flowing cape just looks cool (though not on me).

  • I'd like to be Don Camillo. OK, he's not a superhero, but he is a fictional character; hot-tempered, impulsive, but with great common-sense.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • Being from Chicago, I would have to go with the Savage Dragon. Green, mean, and strong as hell. His favorite quote is "Because I say so!":-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • Green Lantern, epecially in the days of the Neil Adams artwork. A superhero who was strictly "by the book" and becomes conflicted because right and wrong isn't as black and white as it seems.

  • I would say "Underdog"!!! Why...our ERP system runs on Oracle on AIX. The Oracle and AIX guys

    don't give SQL Server and Windows any kind of credit. The only time someone knows I'm around, is when

    I fly in to solve their problems.

    Then again...maybe I would be Rodney Dangerfield.


    “I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”...Robert McCloskey


  • No fictional superheros for me. I have two real ones. My dad and my uncle. They both were in WWII, one as a pilot and the other in the infantry. The way that regular fellas from farm country can step up and act heroically and honorably in wartime is incredible. The stories they tell, when you can get them to talk about it, bring tears to your eyes.

    No. Fictional heroes can never stack up against the real ones. Sorry.

  • My 'hero' in the professional world happens to be a somewhat less known MVP and SQL Server BI Professional. He is a young man from my part of town, with very tough background, got to take a certification exam courtesy a free voucher given by the city for struggling young people, and passed it at first shot. After that bought a PC with help from some people and worked on it literally day and night mastering TSQL and BI - an MVP and budding entrepreneur now. The reason i consider this young man so inspiring is not just his hard work and determination, also the fact that he is not 'running' the race the known way just by blogging, making presentations,twittering and becoming a celebrity which he could easily. He is focused on building a business, with no frills attached, just hard work, determination and focus. I have nothing against those who do things any other way but that is my goal too and i find it inspiring that is all.

    As far as personal heroes go there are many for many reasons - some celebrities range from Gandhi to Bill Gates. Thank you Steve for allowing to share.

  • DC - When I was a kid it was the Flash. I just loved the idea of running, really fast. But as I got older I become more and more enamored of Batman. A human that's better than the aliens and mutants because he wants to be.

    Marvel - WOLVERINE! Why on earth would you choose anything else?

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  • I would be Politeness Man, (or possibly the dynamic team of Sgt. Seatbelt and the Safety Buffalo.) Yes, Politenessman is a 'real' superhero from the famed National Lampoon magazine. (Yeah, I am showing my age, but...)

    Why would I be Politeness Man? Because with his steel hankie he spreads kindness, courtesy and proper behavior worldwide and Lord knows we need that now more than anything.

    Yes, the next time I go into some fast food joint and hear some youngin skewer the English language with phrases like "Can I get..." instead of the proper "May I have...", there would be a loud "Thwack" as my steel hankie clobbers the offender. The next time some idiot is on his cell phone in an elevator, bothering all riders - "Thwack!!!" he would no longer lack courtesy.

    Of all the superheroes who could save the world today, I believe only Politeness Man has the power, the will, and the steel hankie to make it all real.

    (Of course, the way these younger folks drive these days, I might also call on Sgt. Seatbelt and the Safety Buffalo to assist me with the morons who still (!!!) think they can drive, text, put on makeup and read the morning paper all at once while flying down the highways - but I guess thats another whine...)

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...

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