If statement and Filtering

  • I need to be able to take the following recordset generated by this code:

    SELECT Distinct B.OrderNumber


    ,(SELECT OrderGroupNumber from orders.OrderForm WHERE OrderNumber = @OrderNumber) AS OrigOGN


    ,'PaymentType' = Case

    WHEN a.PaymentTypeXID IN (0,7,9,16) THEN A.[CCName] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    WHEN a.PaymentTypeXID IN (2) THEN 'Certficate'

    ELSE c.PaymentType






    ,'PaymentMsg' = CASE

    WHEN B.OrderNumber < 5000000 THEN 'For payment information, please contact the Consultant Order Services Team.'

    WHEN B.OrderNumber >=5000000 AND A.PaymentTypeXID =3 THEN 'Please refer to your Account Activity report for payment information.'

    WHEN B.OrderNumber >=5000000 AND A.PaymentTypeXID =8 THEN 'Please refer to your Account Activity report for payment information.'

    ELSE ''


    ,'AccountID' = CASE

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=0 THEN a.[CClastfour]

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=1 THEN A.BankAccount--Bank Draft

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=5 THEN a.[CheckNumber]-- Personal Check

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=2 THEN a.[GCCode]-- Gift Certficate

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=3 THEN ''

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=6 THEN a.[CheckNumber]-- Cashier Check

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=7 THEN a.[CClastfour]-- Credit Card Credit

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=8 THEN ''-- Consultant Account

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=13 THEN ''-- Credit Personal Check

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=14 THEN '' -- Credit Money Order

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=4 THEN a.[CheckNumber]-- Money Order

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=16 THEN a.[CCLastFour] -- Re-occuring Payment

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=9 THEN a.[CClastFour] -- Blind Credit

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=11 THEN 'Pay #'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),b.ordernumber) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),a.[ConsultantID]) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=10 THEN a.[BankAccount] -- Re-occuring Payment

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=12 THEN a.[GCCode]-- Gift Certficate Credit

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=15 THEN '' -- Credit Cashier Check



    ,'ApprovalCode' = CASE

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=0 AND P.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NOT NULL THEN p.ResponseAuthorizationCode

    WHEN A.[PaymentTypeXID]=0 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NULL THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=2 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=1 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=6 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=5 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=7 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NOT NULL THEN p.ResponseAuthorizationCode

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=7 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NULL THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=8 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=13 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=14 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=4 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=16 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NOT NULL THEN p.ResponseAuthorizationCode

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=16 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NULL THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=9 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NOT NULL THEN p.ResponseAuthorizationCode

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=9 AND p.ResponseAuthorizationCode IS NULL THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=10 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=11 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=12 THEN 'APPROVED'

    WHEN a.[PaymentTypeXID]=15 THEN 'APPROVED'




    ,a.CCAuthNumber AS AuthorizationCode




    INTO #Temp1 FROMdbo.uvw_OrderGroupPayment AS A With (NoLock)

    INNER JOIN orders.OrderForm AS B With (NoLock) ON

    A.ORderGroupNumber = B.OrderGroupNumber

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimPaymentType AS C With (NoLock) ON

    A.PaymentTypeXID = C.XID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN orders.CCLog AS P With (noLock) ON

    A.OrderGroupNumber = P.OrderGroupNumber

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimCCTranType AS S WITH (NOLock) ON

    P.[TransactionTypeXID] = S.[XID]

    WHEREB.OrderNumber = @OrderNumber

    I have it going to a temp table. I need to take what is in the temp table and using the following logic to return the correct records:

    1. If the only record in temp table has a PaymentXID of 3 then Return PaymentMsg

    2. If the only record in temp table has a PaymentXID of 8 then Return PaymentMsg

    3. If multiple records returned and any of them have a paymentxid of 3 or 8 just return the remaining records excluding the paymentxid 3 and 8 records. Hope that makes sense.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • The only way I found that it might work is like this:


    SELECT @rc = Count(*) from Temp1

    IF @rc =1 AND(Select PaymentTypeXID from #Temp1 )= 3


    Select PaymentMsg from #Temp1


    IF @rc =1 AND(Select PaymentTypeXID from #Temp1 )= 8


    Select PaymentMsg from #Temp1


    IF @rc >=2


    Select * from #Temp1 WHERE PaymentTypeXID NOT iN (3,8)


    Drop TABLE #Temp1

    Is there a simplistic or better way to do this?

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

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