if record exist update partlevel from 1 to 0 ?

  • problem

    if record exist on trade code table update partlevel from 1 to 0 ?

    the code below insert new record on trade code for codetypeto and codevalueto if not exist on table tradecode

    i need to modify code below if  codevalueto and code typeto both exist on table tradecode

    then update partlevel from 1 to 0 to codetypeto and codevalueto on tradecode table that already exist


    insert record on tradecode table to  codetypeto and codevalueto that not exist

    create table #MappingCodeValue
    id int identity (1,1),
    CodeTypeFrom nvarchar(50),
    CodeValueFrom nvarchar(50),
    CodeTypeTo nvarchar(50),
    CodeValueTo nvarchar(50)
    INSERT INTO #MappingCodeValue

    CREATE TABLE #TradeCode
    TradeCodeId int identity(1,1),
    PartId int,
    Partlevel int,
    CodeType nvarchar(50),
    CodeValue nvarchar(50)
    insert into #TradeCode(PartId,Partlevel,CodeType,CodeValue)VALUES

    insert into #TradeCode
    select c.PartId, c.Partlevel, c.CodeType, m.CodeValueTo
    from #MappingCodeValue as m
    inner join #TradeCode as c on c.CodeType = m.CodeTypeFrom and c.CodeValue = m.CodeValueFrom
    where not exists( select * from #TradeCode where CodeType = c.CodeType and CodeValue = m.CodeValueTo)
    Select * from #TradeCode
  • So far so good. Could you post the expected output of the query you need?

  • OK

    1 1222 1 ECCS-USAB123-US
    2 1255 1 ECCS-USAB555-US
    3 1444 1 ECCS-USAB666-US
    4 1931 1 ECCS-USAB756-US
    5 1222 0 ECCS-URBAB123-URB
    6 1255 0 ECCS-URBAB555-URB
    7 1444 0 ECCS-URBAB666-URB
    8 1931 0 ECCS-URBAB778-URB

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